The 10th World Sustainability Forum
Part of the World Sustainability Forum series
14 Sep 2023, Singapore | Basel, CH | Toronto, CA | virtual, International
Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals
- Go to the Sessions
- S1. Singapore Hub – Sustainability Through Innovation
- S2. Singapore Hub – The Future of Sustainability
- S3. Singapore Hub – Panel Showcase
- BA2. Basel Hub – Impact of Food Research on Society, Economy, and Environment (Track A)
- BA1. Basel Hub – Towards Low Carbon Emissions Processing and Digitalization in the Food Industry (Track A)
- BB1. Basel Hub – Sustainability in Higher Education (Track B)
- BB2. Basel Hub – Corporate Sustainability (Track B)
- T1. Toronto Hub – Green Cities
- T2. Toronto Hub – Smart Cities
- T3. Toronto Hub – Low Carbon Cities
- Event Details
- Welcome from the Chairs
- Event Chairs
- Event Speakers
- Sessions
- WSF2023 – Singapore Hub
- WSF2023 – Singapore Hub | Program
- WSF2023 – Basel Hub
- WSF2023 – Basel Hub | Program
- WSF2023 – Toronto Hub
- WSF2023 – Toronto Hub | Program
- Book of Abstracts
- WSF2023 Recordings
- MDPI Sustainability Awards Ceremony
- Registration
- Instructions for Authors
- MDPI Sustainability Foundation Awards
- Event Gallery
- Sponsors and Partners
- Events in this series
Thank you!
We would like to thank our chairs, committee members, speakers, poster presenters, and all the attendees for taking part in this year's special edition of WSF! We also extend our gratitude to EVERYWOW, our live streaming company - without them having online attendees wouldn't have been possible.
Make sure to check out the collection of pictures from the event. You can also re-watch any session you might have missed on Airmeet.
To download your Certificate of Attendance log on to and go "My Certificates" under your profile.
See you at the next edition!
Welcome from the Chairs
14 September 2023
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The 10th World Sustainability Forum (WSF2023) will be a 24-hour event, held in 3 locations, as well as online. We believe that this will optimize worldwide participation in this global event.
The forum will have four main subjects distributed in three locations:
Kicking off in Singapore, the focus will be on sustainability for social community impact. We will then move onto Basel, where our Chairs will lead discussions on sustainability in the industry, and at university and corporate settings. Finally, our last hub in Toronto will focus on sustainability in the built environment.
WSF2023 is part of a global sustainability forum series that is organized by and supported by MDPI. As a hybrid event, it will provide scholars with the opportunity to attend the event in person at one of the three conference sites or, most sustainably, online. Arrangements have been made for a state-of-the-art online event.
We are particularly hoping to address STEM research with the social sciences and policy makers.
We look forward to welcoming you across the globe and virtually!
Edwin Constable and Max Bergman
Global Conference Chairs
Conference Secretariat
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If you want to stay updated with the latest information, or if you want to connect with your fellow researchers before, during and after the event, then be sure to join the 10th World Sustainability Forum LinkedIn Event.
See you over there!
Global Event Chairs
Social Research and Methodology Group (SRaM), University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Manfred Max Bergman is Chair of Social Research and Methodology and Director of the Social Transitions Research Group at the University of Basel, member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Uganda National Academy of Sciences, and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations. He is President of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology and Editor in Chief of World. He has been chairing the World Sustainability Forum and the Basel Sustainability Forum since 2014. He currently collaborates with the Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan, and his substantive research is on sustainability and the business-society nexus in North America and Asia.
Department of Chemistry and former Vice-Rector for Research, University of Basel, Switzerland
Edwin (Ed) Constable was born in Edinburgh (Scotland), but grew up in Hastings (England) where he completed his school studies. In 1974 he started his studies in chemistry at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, where in 1978 he obtained his BA in Chemistry. He completed his D.Phil at Linacre College, University of Oxford under the supervision of Professor Kenneth Seddon and at that time began a love-affair with ruthenium chemistry and photochemistry that continues to this day. He held a number of research fellowships at the University of Cambridge before being appointed to a University Lectureship and Fellowship of Robinson College in 1984. He remained at Cambridge until 1993 when he was appointed Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Basel (Switzerland). In 2000 he left Basel to take up a position as Professor of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham (England) where he was shortly appointed Head of School. He returned to the University of Basel as Professor of Chemistry in 2002. He publishes widely in all areas of chemistry with over 600 peer-reviewed publications and is highly cited (20,800 citations, h-index 72). His interest cover all aspects of chemistry, chemical history and the communication of science. He held an ERC Advanced Grant with his project "Li-Lo: Light-in, light-out". He has been Dean of Research of the faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Basel and was Vice-President of the University with responsibility for research 2011-2018. He has been a member of the steering committee of the European Universities Association Council for Doctoral Education and the executive committee of the Swiss National Science Foundation; he is currently a titular member of Division VIII of IUPAC, President of Euresearch and the Expert Group on Scientific Integrity of the Swiss Academies for arts and Sciences. He was appointed as a corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2022.
Local Event Chairs
Professor Horn Mun Cheah
College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Singapore Hub
HM Cheah is currently the Assistant Provost at the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). He is concurrently the Dean of the College of Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning, and was the founding Dean of the S R Nathan School of Human Development at SUSS. He was Director, Educational Technology Division, at the Ministry of Education, Singapore from 2008-2013. His then responsibilities included the planning and implementation of the 3rd ICT Masterplan for Education. Prior to this, he was Dean of Foundation Programmes at the National Institute of Education, taking charge of all initial teacher preparation programmes. He received his PhD for research work on High Temperature Superconductivity from Cambridge University. His present research interests include the effective integration of ICT into education and assessment of 21st Century skills and automatic adaptive learning system. He is currently on the boards of the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language and Temasek Foundation Liveability.
Associate Professor Renee Tan
Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Singapore Hub
Renée is Director of the Research Division at the Institute for Adult Learning, an autonomous Institute at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. She leads IAL’s research efforts to inform policy and practice in the Continuing Education and Training (CET) sector. Her previous roles at the IAL include being the Director of the Centre for Innovation and Development, as well as leading the professionalisation and growth of Adult Educators in the Training and Adult Education community in Singapore. Renée holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of Bristol, Master and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature from the National University of Singapore, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education, Singapore. Her research interests include Lifelong Learning, Adult Learning, National Narratives and Diversity, Inclusivity and Equality.
Dr. Lela Mélon
1) ESCI-UPF: Academic director of the Postgraduate Course in Sustainability Transition Management and Climate Emergency; Professor of Sustainability in Business Law 2) msg global, Senior Sustainability Consultant
Basel Hub
From the beginning of her academic career, Dr. Mélon has been focusing on path-breaking insights into corporate sustainability, arguing against a noncritical application of the shareholder primacy in the light of environmental and social sustainability challenges the corporate sector poses. With the SCOM project, Dr. Mélon achieved a remarkable impact with her work in academia and beyond, connecting the private and the public sector, opening science to broader society and created far-reaching strategic connection, which have been further fostered all up to today. She devoted her time and efforts to place sustainability as a guiding principle in the field of higher education and brought together the private and public sector through her work, assuring that the scientific findings are aligned with the needs of the society as a whole.
Prof. Dr. Anet Režek Jambrak
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Basel Hub
She is at position of full professor (from 2018.) and scientific advisor (permanent title) from 2017. in food engineering (biotechnical sciences). From 2019. she is head of Laboratory for sustainable development. She obtained PhD, in 2008. Thesis: Ultrasonic effect on physical and functional properties of whey proteins. She was trained abroad at Coventry University, UK and at the University of Avignon, France. Her field of research is nonthermal processing, advanced thermal processing, sustainability, food processing, Industry 4.0, digitalization, food chemistry, food physics etc. In the period from 2007. Anet Režek Jambrak has published over 120 significant scientific papers with citation more than 5123, (h-index 37) and author of book chapters in recognized scientific publishers like Wiley, Elsevier, Springer etc. She is editor of the book Nonthermal Processing in Agri-Food-Bio Sciences: Sustainability and Future Goals; Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. She received many prizes and awards: In 2021. she received Emerging Sustainability Leader Award from MDPI Sustainability Foundation; 2019. she was titled Highly Cited Researcher, among 0.1% world scientists (powered by Web of Science In 2019. she received national award for Science, Parliament of the Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Science and Education, Government of the Republic of Croatia; in 2016. was awarded Young Scientist Award - International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST) etc. Professor Anet Režek Jambrak was appointed Editor in Trends in Food Science and Technology, Elsevier; Assistant Editor, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Hindawi; Editor, Food Engineering Reviews, Springer Nature; Section Editor-in-chief (2020-2022), Processes, MDPI; and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Food Quality, Hindawi. She is teaching courses related to nonthermal and advanced thermal processing, food engineering, physical properties of foods, sustainability, Industry 4.0 in biotechnical sciences etc. She is member of Global Young Academy (GYA), You
Dr. Umberto Berardi
Canada Research Chair in Building Science, Professor - BeTOP Lab Director, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Toronto Hub
Dr. Berardi is Canada Research Chair in Building Science, Full Professor, and Director of the BeTOP center at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. His main research interests are related to the study of innovative solutions and new materials for improving performance within the built environment. He has been focusing on integrating nanotechnologies into building systems, including organic PCMs, such as paraffin and bio-PCM, and aerogel. Dr. Berardi has an extensive publication record, including 150 peer-reviewed journals, 130 international conference papers, and five books (totally over 14,000 citations).Dr. Berardi has a body of funded research comprising over $2.5M in government and private sector-sponsored research, that supports a research group of ten or more students yearly. He has been awarded a CFI-JELF; NSERC Discovery Grant; Ontario Early Research Award, among others.
Selection Committee
Dr. Dianna Chang
Business School, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Singapore Hub
Dianna Chang is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the Business School, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). Her research focuses on consumer well-being and sustainability. Her research, teaching and other academic engagement can be found at
Dr. Zan Chen
Research Division, Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Singapore Hub
Chen Zan conducts research on learning technologies, capability development of adult educators and workplace learning. She is currently leading a research project to understand the TAE (Training and Adult Education) landscape to support future development of the TAE sector.
Dr. Yun Teng
Center for Continuing & Professional Education, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Singapore Hub
Dr. Teng Yun is currently working at the Center for Continuing & Professional Education in Singapore University of Social Sciences. She oversees the training and professional development in the care and sustainability sectors. She had more than 5 years of working experience in water construction industry before her PhD study. she got her doctor degree in Environmental Engineering from National University of Singapore. Her research interests are in system optimization, green energy and digitalization in the context of sustainable development.
Dr. George Wong Soo Lam
Centre for Interdisciplinary and Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Singapore Hub
Dr. Sami Bulut
Food Engineering Department, Trakya University, Turkey
Basel Hub
Dr. Bulut is currently working at the Food Engineering Department of Trakya University in Turkey. His work is mainly concentrated in the area food safety, including food microbiology, high pressure processing of foods at low and subzero temperatures, non thermal food processing technologies and new product development.
Associate Professor Janna Cropotova
Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Basel Hub
Janna Cropotova is Associate Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund of Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She was awarded a PhD degree in 2016 in Food Technology and has gained 10-year R&D-experience in the field of food science, innovation and food technology. Her areas of scientific interest include preservation of nutritional quality and health benefits in food (particularly seafood) products during processing and storage, development of novel methods for rapid and non-invasive assessment of food deterioration, extraction of valuable ingredients from fish side streams by using innovative technologies, and shelf-life monitoring methods. In 2020 Janna Cropotova acted as invited EFSA Expert at the Unit on Biological Hazards and Contaminants, Risk Assessment and Scientific Assistance Department of EFSA. She is author of 45 scientific publications in international peer review journals, 2 book chapters, and 7 patents. In addition, Janna Cropotova is PI from Norway for FOSC ERA-NET project “CLIMAQUA – Establishing an innovative and transnational feed production approach for reduced climate impact of the aquaculture sector and food supply” (2020-2024) and project coordinator of BlueBio ERA-NET project "IMPRESSIVE – Improved Processing to Enhance Seafood Sidestream Valorization and Exploration" on innovative technologies used for valorization of seafood side streams.
Dr. Ferruh Erdogdu
Department of Food Engineering, Ankara University, Turkey
Basel Hub
Dr. Ferruh Erdogdu is a full professor of food process engineering at the Ankara University, Turkey. He received his Master of Engineering degree in 1996 and Ph.D. in 2000 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. His research studies have focused on mathematical modeling – optimization and computation food processing towards the industrial scale thermal processing of food products. He is the founder of the computational food processing group at the Ankara University (CFπ). He was the editor of the Journal of Food Engineering between 2018 and 2020, editorial board member of the Journal of Food Process Engineering since 2003 and associate editor of the International Journal of Food Studies (an ISEKI Journal) between 2012 and 2017. He is currently co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Food Engineering since Jan. 2021. He is the selected member of the ISEKI Academy, professional member of IFT, Science Dissemination & Communication member of the EFFoST and representative of Turkey within the European academy of Food Engineering and International Association of Engineering and Food. He is also one of the active members (scientific committee and acting instructor) of the International School on Modeling and Simulation in Food and Bio-Processes.
Dr. Vicente M. Gómez-López
Green and Innovative Technologies for Food, Environment and Bioengineering Research Group (FEnBeT), Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Murcia, Spain
Basel Hub
Dr. Vicente M. Gómez-López is a researcher in Food Science with a minor focus on Environmental Technology at Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spain, and Head of the FEnBeT research group. He is a biologist with a master in Food Science, both from Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela), with postgraduate studies in Food Technology (1998) at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel); he is a doctor in Applied Biological Sciences from Ghent University (Belgium). His research interests focus on non-thermal technologies with emphasis on pulsed light. He has published 68 JCR articles, 20 book chapters; edited three books and participated in 14 research projects/contracts. He is associate editor of Food and Bioprocess Technology, academic editor of Journal of Food Quality, serves on the editorial board of Foods, Acta Alimentaria and is associate editor of Frontiers in Food Science and Technology. He has reviewed articles for +50 journals and has been acknowledged as "top 1% reviewer in Agricultural Sciences" since 2018.
Associate Professor Delphine Huc-Mathis
AgroParisTech, INRAE, Université Paris-Saclay, UMR SayFood
Basel Hub
Associate Professor in physico-chemistry of food and bioproducts at AgroParisTech (France), I am part of the Research Unit SayFood. I have a Biochemistry engineering degree and a PhD in Physics. My research activities are mainly focused on understanding the structuring mechanisms of dispersed systems such as emulsions and foams, with a specific focus on few or non-fractionated ingredients. I am currently coordinating a 4-year national research project, aiming for the formulation of emulsions only stabilized by vegetal by-products coming from the food industry. All my on-going research projects are aiming for a better understanding of clean-label emulsion’s structuration with a strong link to food and cosmetic applications.
Prof. Dr. James Lyng
Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin, Ireland
Basel Hub
Prof James Lyng is the Head of the Food and Nutrition Section at University College Dublin (UCD). He has a degree in Agricultural Chemistry and a PhD in Food Process Technology. He moved to UCD in 1997 to join the former Food Science Department which has since become UCD’s Food and Nutrition Section. Professor Lyng lectures in Food Process Technology, Food Physics and Coordinates the Professional Work Experience programme for Food Science. His research focuses on the use of emerging thermal (microwave, radio frequency wave and ohmic heating) and ‘non-thermal’ technologies (ultrasound, high voltage pulsed electrical fields and light (Ultra Violet Light, Blue Light and High Intensity Pulsed Light) in the processing of foods with particular reference to the assessment of these technologies for accelerating reactions and/or preservation, their impact on product quality/nutritional value and their potential in the extraction of bioactive compounds from foods. He has a particular interest in the application of novel technologies in the bioeconomy and biorefineries with the aim of improving sustainability in circular economy applications.
Prof. Dr. Olga Martín-Belloso
Department of Food Engineering, Technology and Science, University of Lleida, Spain
Basel Hub
Olga Martín-Belloso is Professor of Food Science and Technology at the University of Lleida, Spain, and Head of the Novel Technologies for Food Processing research unit. Her research interests focus on the development of safe and healthy ready-to-eat products by combining existing processing technologies with novel techniques. She has authored about 400 research papers in SCI Journals, being a “highly cited researcher” in the last years. She belongs to the editorial board of recognized Journals and is editor of two of them. She has received the 2008 ICREA Academia Award, 2015 IFT Fellow, 2016 IAFoST member and the 2018 Narcís Monturiol medal, among others, and invested as Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Cantabria, Spain. Currently, she is the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer at the University of Lleida as well as Past-President of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), Vice-President of the International Society of Food Engineering (ISFE) and President of the Spanish Society for Food Engineering (SESIA).
Associate Professor Vibeke Orlien
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Food Science
Basel Hub
Vibeke Orlien has an MSc in mathematics and chemistry and a PhD degree in food chemistry. She is Associate Professor in food chemistry and, currently head of the section of Food Design and Consumer Behaviour, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. Her research concerns food technologies and processing, and the effects on food components and their properties, especially protein modification and stability in relation to functionality and product development. Focus is on how processing methods and non-thermal technologies, especially high hydrostatic pressure, affects molecules in relation to structural changes and chemical to support practical functional food design. In addition, to assess the nutritional benefits of processing of food materials, thus the assessment of the in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of raw materials and plant-based products after processing.
Dr. Yuthana Phimolsiripol
Faculty of Agro-Industry, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Basel Hub
Dr. Yuthana Phimolsiripol currently works as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Agro-Industry, Chiang Mai University and acts as Director of Food Innovation and Packaging Center (FIN). I have published more than 100 papers in several refereed international journals. In addition, I am also Editor and Guest Editor in many journals. My research focuses on novel processing, functional foods, glycemic index, shelf-life simulation.
Dr. Gerhard Schleining
ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology); Global Harmonisation Initiative (GHI); EHEDG Austria; Training Group of EHEDG Global
Basel Hub
Dr. Gerhard Schleining graduated in Food and Biotechnology. He worked at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) as Ass.Prof. in the area food physics and food quality management and retired 2020. He was responsible for education at the department and coordinated several years an international Master programme “Safety in the food chain”. He was also teaching and organizing workshops at several Universities in China, France, Kazachistan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. He is active in several international organisations. E.g. he is currently President of ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology), he was 15 years Secretary General of the ISEKI-Food Association, an independent non-profit organisation in the food sector focused mainly on education and training. He is also member of the executive committee of the Global Harmonisation Initiative (GHI), Chair of EHEDG Austria and member of the Training Group of EHEDG Global and authorized trainer. He coordinated 2 Erasmus+ projects, FooD-STA, a Food Studies and Training Alliance between the food industry and universities in Europe and SEA-ABT, a capacity building project to establish an Academy of Beverage Technology in South East Asia.
Associate Professor Cristina Luísa M. Silva
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina – Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal
Basel Hub
Cristina L.M. Silva is Associate Prof. at Portuguese Catholic University – College of Biotechnology (ESB). She is Chem. Eng. and PhD in Biotechnology and Food Engineering, and is involved in research on quality and safety of processed foods, with special emphasis on mathematical modelling and optimisation of the processes. She is lecturer of curricular units of Food Processing and Transport Phenomena. She coordinated several national and international projects and was president of the association ISEKI-Food. She is currently a member of the advisory committee of the ISEKI-Food Association, chair of the WG1.2 Education Committee of IUFoST - International Union of Food Science and Technology, and at ESB coordinates the Master degree on Food Engineering. Cristina is a member of the ESB direction board and responsible for the international relations and 3rd cycle degrees, and associate editor of the Journal of Food Processing Engineering, and the International Journal of Food Studies.
Prof. Dr. Alexandrina Sirbu
FMMAE Ramnicu Valcea, "Constantin Brancoveanu" University of Pitesti, Romania
Basel Hub
Alexandrina Sirbu is Full Professor (since 2007) of Food Science and Technology, Food Safety, and Quality Management at Constantin Brancoveanu University of Pitesti (Romania) and Head of the Research Center in Tourism and Lasting Development. She is also a technical expert and consultant (freelancer) with a demonstrated history of working for the food industry and certification bodies. She graduated in 1993 as a diplomat engineer in Food science and technology (5 years), having obtained a Ph.D. in Food Engineering (2000) and a Master's in Private Law (2016), wining a Norman Borlaug Fellowship (2004, US) in food quality and safety, too. Her research interests include baking technology, functional foods, food safety and quality assurance, process control, consumer behavior, sustainability, and food qualifications. Professional experience has been extended from education (HE and VET) to research-innovation (RDI) and knowledge transfer to industry and other stakeholders. She has authored about 200 research papers in SCI Journals and 20 books and belongs to several recognized journals' editorial boards. Since 2011 she has been a member of the Technical Committee for Standardization ASRO (ASRO/NMC/TC 95) and actively involved as a member of SREF-ESCO Manufacturing of food, beverages, and tobacco (2013-2015, ESCO-European Skills, Competences, Qualifications & Occupations). Alexandrina Sirbu joined some national and international professional associations, currently Chair of the Valcea branch AGIR (The General Assoc. of the Engineers in Romania) and Co-chair Europe, WG Consumer Perception - GHI (Global Harmonization Initiative).
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Veldman
Nyenrode Business Universiteit; Nyenrode Corporate Governance Institute, Netherlands
Basel Hub
Prof. Jeroen Veldman is Professor of Corporate Governance at Nyenrode Business University, Chairman of the Nyenrode Corporate Governance Institute and Section Editor Corporate Governance at Journal of Business Ethics. He previously held appointments at St Gallen, Bayes (formerly Cass) Business School, Cardiff Business School and Utrecht University. He has published in leading international journals and received the 2019 AOM International Impactful Collaboration Award
Prof. Dr. Josep M. Antó
Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health & Emeritus Professor of Medicine at Pompeu Fabra University
Basel Hub
Josep M. Antó is Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). His training as a pneumologist and epidemiologist has resulted in a long dedication to research on respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD, with special interest in understanding their environmental determinants and promoting their prevention. Among other leadership roles, he has been Founding Director of the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) (2005-2016) and Founding Scientific Director of the ISGlobal (2016-2019). In recent years, he has fully dedicated himself to develop environmental health strategies to address the climate crisis and the challenges of the Anthropocene, promoting the concept of planetary health locally and internationally. In 2018, he contributed to the launch of the UPF Planetary Wellbeing Initiative. Recently, he was appointed co-chair of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change initiative in Europe.
Prof. Wafa Khlif
TBS Education
Basel Hub
Prof. Wafa KHLIF is a Full Professor of Accounting and Management Control at Toulouse Business School since 2010, based in the Barcelona Campus. She is the head of the Accounting, Auditing and Control Research Group at TBS Education since 2019. She is also the founder and past President of Tunisian Accounting Association and sat as director at the Francophone Accounting Association board. Her research focuses on governance, board of directors’ efficiency, and accounting professions in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. She has supervised and evaluated Master's and PhD dissertations and research projects, and has been involved in developing innovative teaching methods using technological tools and multimedia. She published in Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Journal of African Business, Society and Business review.
Dr. Francesc Pedró
Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO- IESALC)
Basel Hub
Dr. Francesc Pedró is the Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO- IESALC) since 2019. Previously, he led the education policy team at UNESCO and worked as senior policy analyst at the OECD centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). Francesc got his M.Ed. from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a Ph.D. in Comparative Education from UNED and a Postdoc in Comparative Public Policy at the University of London Institute of Education. He acted as Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the Open University of Catalonia and is a Professor of Comparative Education Policies at the Pompeu Fabra University.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Caggiano
DICCA Department, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Toronto Hub
Prof. Antonio Caggiano is a highly accomplished researcher and lecturer in the field of Structural Mechanics and Concrete. He earned his PhD with a double degree from Uni-Salerno (Italy) and UNT (Tucuman-Argentina) in 2014 and has since held positions at various prestigious universities and research institutions, including the University of Buenos Aires, the Argentine National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), and TU Darmstadt in Germany. Prof. Caggiano's research interests are focused on computational mechanics, multiscale modelling, energy efficiency, green components, and sustainability in building and construction materials. His work aims to improve the understanding of the complex behaviour of materials and structures under different loading conditions, and to develop novel approaches for designing and optimizing sustainable and energy-efficient structures. Prof. Caggiano's contributions to the field have been widely recognized, as evidenced by his numerous publications ( in top-tier journals, as well as his receipt of several prestigious awards and fellowships.
Prof. Dr. Mark Gorgolewski
Department of Architectural Science, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Toronto Hub
Mark Gorgolewski is Professor and Chair of the Department of Architectural Science at Ryerson University. Over 25 years Mark has championed issues of sustainable design in Canada and the UK. He has published several books and many research papers and articles and has managed a variety of research projects on issues of circular materials economy, urban agriculture, energy efficiency, resource use, and building performance. He is a past member of the Board of the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) and a past chair of the Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB).
Prof. Dr. Nikos A. Salingaros
Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA
Toronto Hub
Dr. Nikos A. Salingaros is Professor of Mathematics and Architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio. An internationally recognized Architectural Theorist and Urbanist, his publications include seven books on architecture and design, two of them co-authored with Michael Mehaffy. Salingaros collaborated with the visionary architect and software pioneer Christopher Alexander over more than twenty years in editing Alexander’s monumental four-volume book The Nature of Order. Salingaros won the 2019 Stockholm Cultural Award for Architecture, and shared the 2018 Clem Labine Traditional Building Award with Michael Mehaffy. Salingaros holds a doctorate in Mathematical Physics from Stony Brook University, New York. He has directed and advised twenty-five Masters and PhD theses in architecture and urbanism.
Associate Professor Paulo Santos
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Toronto Hub
Paulo Santos [ORCID 0000-0002-0134-6762] is currently Associate Professor in Dep. of Civil Eng. of University of Coimbra (PT). Integrated member of ISISE research centre. The main actual scientific research fields are Thermal Behaviour, Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Sustainable Construction, with focus on the Lightweight Steel Framed (LSF) construction system. Author of around 180 scientific publications. He has near 2,500 citations and around 70,000 reads on Research Gate (Berlin), with an h-index of 24. Supervisor of 53 master/doctoral theses. Participated in around 12 funded European and Portuguese research projects.
Prof. Dr. Theodore (Ted) Stathopoulos
Dept. of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Toronto Hub
Dr. Ted Stathopoulos, a professor at Concordia University, specializes in wind engineering and building aerodynamics. He holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from the National Technical University of Athens and earned his M.E.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario. With 600+ publications, his research has significantly influenced the development of design wind provisions in building codes and standards worldwide. He has received two honorary doctorates from Greece and the Netherlands. Dr. Stathopoulos serves as editor-in-chief for the IJWEIA and as board member for several prestigious journals. He has consulted widely and contributed to external bodies. He is also a visiting professor in China and a distinguished professor in the Netherlands.
Keynote Speakers
College of Integrative Studies, Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore
“...Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” When first formally introduced in 1987, few thought that sustainable development would be so strongly embedded and pervasive in the global mainstream consciousness today. However, the impacts of environmental change affecting us today brought about by recent climate disruption - and its pervasive impacts and ever-growing risks in the future - has brought the importance of sustainability firmly into the limelight. One important example is seen in recent global climate change assessments, in which the sustainable development goals are a fundamental part for societies in every country - more so than the application of technological innovations to mitigate or adapt to climate change - to reduce their vulnerabilities to climate impacts as well as to enable a transition to a “greener” future. This keynote will showcase examples of how social engagement, inclusivity of marginalised communities, and community agency are important elements in reducing risks from climate change. The development of communities - and the generation of social capital to complement financial capital - goes a long way towards enabling a resilient and sustainable future.
Dr. Winston Chow is a Lee Kong Chian Research Fellow and an Associate Professor of Urban Climate in Singapore Management University's (SMU) College of Integrative Studies. He is a Co-Lead Principal Investigator in the ongoing Cooling Singapore Initiative, leading research into how a digital urban twin enables climate-resilient and sustainable urban design, and assessing how Singapore’s urban heat risks can be minimised under a warming climate. In SMU, Dr Chow currently works with the Singapore Green Finance Centre to investigate the sustainability of “green” data centres, and also teaches interdisciplinary courses on climate change and urban sustainability for undergraduates and executives. Lastly, Winston was a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 6th Assessment Report on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability on urban climate issues.
Department of Food Safety and Quality Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
Dr Ilija Djekic is a full professor and head of Department of food safety and quality management, Faculty of Agriculture – University of Belgrade. His teaching portfolio covers environmental and quality topics in food science. He lectures various courses at all three levels of studies. To-date he lectured over 1,200 students and supervised over 75 PhD, master's and bachelor's theses. During his research and scientific consulting activities he participated in 12 international projects, six Serbian national projects and one French national project and his contracted research was performed in more than 100 food companies. His scientific portfolio is deployed to evaluating food industry performance by using existing and / or developing new diagnostic models and tools for analyzing food safety / quality / sustainability - environmental performance in food industry at both company and products level and identifying improvement possibilities throughout the food supply chain. Ilija Djekic has (co-)authored more than 250 full papers out of which (140+) in international journals included in the © ISI Web of Knowledge, as well as ten chapters and five books. He serves as an Editor in different peer reviewed journals covering food and environmental science. He has international experience in over ten countries.
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Communities, Concordia University Montréal
Prof. Ursula Eicker is the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Communities and Cities as well as Founder of the Next-Generation Cities Institute at Concordia University. Prior to working at Concordia University, Prof. Eicker is a German physicist who received her Ph.D. in Solid State Physics from Heriot-Watt University and her Habilitation in Renewable Energy Systems from the Berlin Technical University. She has held leadership positions at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies. She coordinated many international research projects in building energy efficiency, renewable energy systems, and urban scale simulation. Since June 2019, she is leading an ambitious research program to establish transformation strategies toward zero-carbon cities. Around 50 graduate students work on decarbonization pathways in the domains of the built environment, renewable energy systems, sustainable transport, and circular economy. Urban data analysis and modeling framework integrate the multidisciplinary work. In November 2020, Prof. Eicker founded Concordia’s Next-Generation Cities Institute, which groups 14 university research centers and 200 researchers from all faculties. Three interdisciplinary research clusters deal with (a) Built and Natural Environments, (b) Mobile, Secure and Sharing Cities, and (c) Arts, Culture, and Community. The Institute addresses the challenges of urban transformation with a transdisciplinary approach and develops tools and strategies for a sustainable future. Prof. Eicker’s research interest covers Zero emission cities, Smart Cities, renewable energy integration, and sustainable urban infrastructure. She is working on multiple eco-district projects in Canada and is building an urban modeling and data platform to assess urban decarbonisation strategies. In addition to that, she has published 7 books, 24 book contributions, over 100 Peer-Reviewed Papers and more than 330 Conference Papers.
Ministry for Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore
Ms Grace Fu is Minister for Sustainability and the Environment. She graduated with a Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours), and subsequently obtained a Masters of Business Administration from the National University of Singapore. Ms Fu spent the early part of her career in the private sector and last held the position of Chief Executive Officer, PSA South East Asia and Japan, where she was responsible for the business performance of PSA’s port terminals in Singapore, Thailand, Brunei and Japan. In 2006, Ms Fu joined politics and was appointed to various Ministries, including National Development, Education, Information, Communications and the Arts, Environment and Water Resources, and Foreign Affairs. In 2015, Ms Fu was appointed Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, and Leader of the House. In July 2020, Ms Fu was appointed Minister for Sustainability and the Environment.
Founder & Executive Director Circular Change, Co-chair ECESP
MSc Ladeja Godina Košir, Founder and Executive Director of Circular Change, Co-Chair of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) in Brussels, stands out as a unique figure in the world of circular economy. As a systems thinker, inspirational speaker, great networker, and creative mind, Ladeja is at the forefront of pioneering concepts in this field. Ladeja is a member of several international CE councils, expert groups, and juries. She has also co-authored the first Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Chile. Her collaborative efforts span from Nordic countries to Latin America, and she is active in several think-tanks, including Chatham House. In addition, Ladeja contributes to various scientific publications and has served as a visiting professor in Japan (Kyoto). What sets Ladeja apart is her ability to think beyond traditional boundaries, allowing her to see new opportunities for regenerative economy and society. Her work in co-creating international circular economy events and contributing to various scientific publications is testament to her creativity and innovative mindset. As an inspirational speaker, Ladeja brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, motivating and inspiring others to adopt a circular economy approach. Her ability to connect and network with people from diverse backgrounds is invaluable, allowing her to build bridges and collaborate across borders. Ladeja's achievements have been recognized on an international level, as a finalist of The Circular Leadership Award 2018 (Davos WEF) and as a featured #EUwomen4future by the EU Commission in 2020. More about Ladeja's activities, projects and work:;
President and vice-chancellor of Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
Dr. Mohamed Lachemi is president and vice-chancellor of Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), first appointed in 2016 and reappointed to a second term concluding in 2026. An internationally recognized researcher and accomplished academic administrator, he has been a key contributor to the growth and development of Toronto Metropolitan University over a transformational time in the university’s history. A professor of civil engineering since 1998, he has served in progressively senior roles, including dean of the faculty of engineering and architectural science, and provost and vice-president academic. As president he has promoted the establishment of Toronto Metropolitan University as a global university, led the development and creation of ground-breaking schools in law and medicine, and overseen the launch of Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst – a national centre for cybersecurity. Under his direction Toronto Metropolitan University was awarded leadership of the Future Skills Centre consortium, which aims to ensure Canadians develop the skills they need in the new economy. A graduate of L’Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran in Algeria (civil engineering, with distinction) and L'Université de Sherbrooke (MASc and PhD, Structural Engineering), Dr. Lachemi is the Past Chair of the Council of Ontario Universities, Chair of the Finance Committee of Universities Canada, Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Board member of Trillium Health Partners, Rogers Communications Inc., Hackergal, and DMZ Ventures. He was a member of the National Research Council from 2018 to 2021.
MDPI Sustainability Foundation Awardees - World Sustainability Award
Prof. Dr. Michael R. Templeton
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London
Michael R. Templeton is Professor of Public Health Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London and the Oxfam and Water For People / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Global Sanitation Technology. His research seeks to address public health challenges related to water supply and sanitation in resource-constrained settings. He has specific expertise and research interests in the role of water, sanitation and hygiene in the prevention of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis, the development and testing of novel sustainable on-site sanitation technologies, and innovative faecal sludge management processes. His research collaborations are inter-disciplinary and international in nature, combining laboratory research and field-based research. He has conducted research and co-authored publications with partners in a number of countries in Africa and Asia, including Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Côte d'Ivoire, Sénégal, Bénin, India, and Nepal. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers in the UK and has served on strategic advisory groups and technical review panels for the World Health Organization, the UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Swedish Research Council. He is also currently the Co-Chair of Imperial College London's Global Development Hub, a cross-university strategic initiative aimed at supporting research, education and entrepreneurship projects and partnerships that contribute to addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. He holds a bachelor's degree with honours in engineering science and a PhD in civil-environmental engineering, both from the University of Toronto.
Dr. Krithi Karanth
Centre for Wildlife Studies, Bangalore; Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
As a scientist, her research in India and Asia, spanning 24 years, encompasses many issues in the human dimensions of wildlife conservation. She has conducted macro-level studies assessing patterns of species distributions and extinctions, impacts of wildlife tourism, consequences of voluntary resettlement, land use change and understanding human-wildlife interactions. She has published 100+ scientific and popular articles in English and Kannada. Dr. Karanth served as an editor for Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, Conservation Biology, and Conservation Letters. She has mentored over 250 young scientists from India, US, Chile, UK, Australia and Indonesia. and engaged over 750 citizen science volunteers in her research and conservation projects. As a conservationist, she has designed Wild Seve, Wild Shaale, Wild Surakshe, Adopt-a-PHC and Wild Carbon programs. As a storyteller, Dr. Karanth has collaborated with painters, illustrators, film-makers and photographers. Dr. Karanth’s conservation and research work has been featured in three award-winning BBC series: The Hunt, Big Cats and Dynasties, and in documentaries by CBC and PBS. She has co-produced five documentaries: Wild Seve, Humane Highways, Wild Shaale, Flying Elephants and Wild Surakshe. In 2020, she co-starred with Kevin Pietersen in Save This Rhino: India by Disney Hotstar and National Geographic. Dr. Karanth's work has been covered by over 250 media outlets, including Washington Post, Time magazine, Al Jazeera Television, BBC, Christian Science Monitor, GQ India, Harper's Bazaar, Mongabay, Monocle, National Geographic, National Public Radio, New York Times, Scientific American, All India Radio, Deccan Chronicle, Deccan Herald, Down to Earth, Kannada Prabha, LiveMint, New Indian Express, Prajavani, The Hindu and Times of India. Dr. Karanth has been honored with more than 45 awards and recognitions including National Geographic Society’s 10,000th grantee and 2012 Emerging Explorer, University of Florida’s Outstanding Young Alumnus, India's Power Women by Femina, Women o
Prof. Dr. Thomas P. Lyon
Ross School of Business and the School of Environment and Sustainability (SEAS), University of Michigan
Thomas P. Lyon holds the Dow Chair of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce at the University of Michigan, with appointments in both the Ross School of Business and the School for Environment and Sustainability. He is Faculty Director of the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan, and past President of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS). Professor Lyon is an economist and a leading light in corporate sustainability, both for the lines of research he has opened up and the organizations he has led that create professional opportunities in the corporate sustainability space. He has written path-breaking papers on self-regulation, regulatory preemption, voluntary environmental programs, greenwashing, astroturfing, and corporate political responsibility, and has been cited more than 10,000 times. As President of ARCS, he created new avenues for scholarly success in the area of corporate sustainability, and helped numerous emerging scholars secure tenured positions in this field; he also hosted the very first ARCS conference in 2009. As Director of Michigan's Erb Institute, he has helped hundreds of MBA students find career paths that combine business success with their passion for protecting the natural environment. He coined the term Corporate Political Responsibility in the award-winning article “CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics,” and created a CPR Taskforce at the Erb Institute that is bringing this idea into the world of business practice. Professor Lyon has won numerous awards for his research. In 2022, he won the Distinguished Scholar Award, Organizations and the Natural Environment division, Academy of Management, as well as the Senior Faculty Research Award from the Ross School of Business. He has testified before Congress, and given keynote addresses at academic conferences from California to Texas to Paris. He has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University, the University of Chicago, the University of Paris, the University of Pisa, Georgetown Univ
MDPI Sustainability Foundation Awardees - Emerging Sustainability Leader Award
Dr. Youjin Kim
Catholic University of Korea; Jeon Buk National University
Dr.-Ing. Youjin Kim is a member of "Association of Fluid Mechanics" (LSTME) e.V. Erlangen, Germany. She is a lecturer of Energy Environmental Engineering at the Catholic University of Korea and Jeon Buk National University. Driven by a passion for expanding sustainability in Korean start-ups, she performed technical fellow works with Korean VC Sopoong. As a passionate renewable energy researcher, Dr. Kim implements scientific knowledge in education and business. She dreams of solving the global climate crisis through international education and tech business solutions, collaborating with world-class academic and industrial partners.
Dr. Bahareh Kamranzad
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde
Dr Bahareh Kamranzad is a Chancellor's Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde. Her research interests lie within the field of Coastal Engineering, and her primary research focuses on investigating the impacts of climate change on oceanic conditions and coastal processes, sustainability of ocean renewable energies (OREs), extreme events, and coastal hazards, protection & resilience. Prior to joining the University of Strathclyde, she worked in Japan for six years, initially at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University under the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship, and then, at the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University as an Assistant Professor. Furthermore, in 2022, she was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College, London.
Dr. Julia Lohmann
Universität Augsburg
Julia conducts research on education in the context of sports and physical education. The focus here is on the development of competences among multipliers (e.g., physical education teachers) and learners (e.g., pupils). Julia is currently particularly concerned with issues of (education for) sustainable development and health
S2. Singapore Hub – The Future of Sustainability
S3. Singapore Hub – Panel Showcase
BA2. Basel Hub – Impact of Food Research on Society, Economy, and Environment (Track A)
BA1. Basel Hub – Towards Low Carbon Emissions Processing and Digitalization in the Food Industry (Track A)
BB1. Basel Hub – Sustainability in Higher Education (Track B)
BB2. Basel Hub – Corporate Sustainability (Track B)
T1. Toronto Hub – Green Cities
T2. Toronto Hub – Smart Cities
T3. Toronto Hub – Low Carbon Cities
WSF2023 – Singapore Hub
Sustainability for Social and Community Impact
Chaired by Professor Horn Mun Cheah and Associate Professor Renee Tan, from Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore |
The WSF2023 – Singapore Hub is focusing on Sustainability for Social and Community Impact.
The focus is on potential and realized social and community impact of sustainability, including the efforts towards engendering such social and community good, challenges in achieving this and explorations into innovative means to create even greater impact. The theme thus inspires and showcases collaborative efforts among different groups within community, possibly from social groups, industry, institutions and individuals, to co-create sustainable solutions for current and future problems.
The WSF2023 – Singapore Hub will consist of 3 sessions:
- Sustainability Through Innovation
- The Future of Sustainability
- Panel Showcase
One excellent Keynote Speaker and a Guest of Honour have been confirmed for the WSF2023 – Singapore Hub:
Ms. Grace Fu |
Dr. Winston Chow
College of Integrative Studies, Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore |
Check out the local website for more information related to the Singapore hub.
The 10th World Sustainability Forum – Singapore Hub will be held in the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Block D, PAT D.1.01, Performing Arts Theatre. Find the directions here:
How to get to Singapore?
Two lines run from Singapore to Malaysia. For more information, see KTMB.
Singapore’s MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) and bus systems have an extensive network of routes that will help you zip around the city. You can refer to the the SBS Transit, SMRT, Go-Ahead Singapore, and Tower Transit Singapore websites for more information and guidelines. Get a Singapore Tourist Pass to enjoy unlimited rides on public transport!
The Clementi MRT Station (EW23) is a 30-minutes walk from the conference venue.
Cruising into Singapore from West Malaysia is a relaxing and scenic way of getting to this sunny island. Anyone arriving in Singapore by car will find numerous parking options. Click here to find a parking near the venue!
As a leading homeport in the heart of Asia, Singapore is one of the world’s busiest cruise centers. The Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore (MBCCS) is a state-of-the-art cruise terminal located next to the main attractions in Singapore and the Business District. The Singapore Cruise Centre offers connections through all Asia.
Singapore is connected to Indonesia and Malaysia through ferries. The companies that operate in the area can be found at this link.
WSF2023 – Singapore Hub | Program
Session |
08:30 |
02:30 |
20:30 |
Check-In |
09:00-10:00 |
03:00-04:00 |
21:00-22:00 |
Pre-event Networking, Demos, Booth Showcases, and Welcome Snack |
10:00-10:05 |
04:00-04:05 |
22:00-22:05 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Professor Robbie Goh, Provost, SUSS |
10:05-10:35 |
04:05-04:35 |
22:05-22:35 |
Keynote Speaker: Associate Professor Winston Chow – Technology Is Not Enough: Why Community Inclusivity and Stakeholder Engagement Is Critical for Climate Resilience and a Sustainable Future |
10:35-11:35 |
04:35-05:35 |
22:35-23:35 |
S1. Sustainability through Innovation |
10:35-10:50 |
04:35-04:50 |
22:35-22:50 |
Julian May – Applying the ‘Learning Journey’ Approach to Understand, Adapt and Mitigate Food System Responses to Climate Change: The Case of the Breede Valley, South Africa |
10:50-11:05 |
04:50-05:05 |
22:50-23:05 |
Calvin Jose Jol – Salinity Reduction of Borneo Tropical Brackish Peat Water with Electrocoagulation Treatment |
11:05-11:20 |
05:05-05:20 |
23:05-23:20 |
Dinar Ari Prasetyo – Technical and Economic Feasibility of Crab Cultivation Using Aquaculture-Photovoltaic Methods for Sustainable Development Goals in the Blue Economy Development at Mangrove Areas in Indonesia |
11:20-12:00 |
05:20-06:00 |
23:20-00:00 |
Break |
12:00-12:20 |
06:00-06:20 |
00:00-00:20 |
Ministerial Address – Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment |
12:20-12:35 |
06:20-06:35 |
00:20-00:35 |
S1. Sustainability through Innovation Showcase by Carolin Barr, susGAIN |
12:35-13:40 |
06:35-07:40 |
00:35-01:40 |
Lunch |
13:40-14:40 |
07:40-08:55 |
01:40-02:55 |
S2. The Future of Sustainability |
13:40-13:55 |
07:40-07:55 |
01:40-01:55 |
Lay-Ping Kwa – Shaping the Future of Sustainability through the Common Core Curriculum (CCC): A Forward-Looking Approach in Singapore |
13:55-14:10 |
07:55-08:10 |
01:55-02:10 |
Shivam Srivastava – Integrating the UN-SDGs’ Value Creation and Sustainability Evaluation Across a Construction Project’s Life Cycle |
14:10-14:25 |
08:10-08:25 |
02:10-02:25 |
Mufaro Chitsa – Reimagining Sustainable Living in the Anthropocene: A Document Analysis for Climate Resilience Policy Making in Malaysia |
14:25-14:40 |
08:25-08:40 |
02:25-02:40 |
Showcase by Kane Mcguinn and Victoria Yoong, Atlas Aquaculture |
15:10-16:00 |
09:10-10:00 |
03:10-04:00 |
Panel Showcase |
15:10-15:20 |
09:10-09:20 |
03:10-03:20 |
Nichol Ng | Co-founder, Food Bank |
15:20-15:30 |
09:20-09:30 |
03:20-03:30 |
Josette Soh | SEA Climate and Sustainability Advisory & Assurance Partner, Deloitte |
15:30-15:40 |
09:30-09:40 |
03:30-03:40 |
Corene Wong | Regional Retail & Education Director, LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics |
15:40-15:50 |
09:40-09:50 |
03:40-03:50 |
Dr. Diana Benjumea | CORE, SUSS |
15:50-16:00 |
09:50-10:00 |
03:50-04:00 |
James Ong | Head of M&A and Strategy, IMC Pan Asia Alliance |
16:00-16:50 |
10:00-10:50 |
04:00-04:50 |
FOR IN-PERSON ATTENDEES ONLY! Speakers’ Panel Discussion-cum-Q&A Moderator: Prof. Cheah Horn Mun Panelists: Nichol Ng | Co-founder, Food Bank Josette Soh | SEA Climate and Sustainability Advisory & Assurance Partner, Deloitte Corene Wong | Regional Retail & Education Director, LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics Dr. Diana Benjumea | CORE, SUSS James Ong | Head of M&A and Strategy, IMC Pan Asia Alliance |
16:50 onwards |
10:50 onwards |
04:50 |
Poster Sessions, Booth Showcases, and Networking Tea |
Booths |
Please note that the program is still subject to change at any time.
Poster Sessions
Please find the list of posters for Singapore Hub HERE (last updated 28 August 2023).
Virtual poster session will take place during the two breaks. During these times, you are required to be present online to discuss and answer any questions related to your poster. Virtual posters should be in PDF format, orientation: landscape (horizontally). Maximum size: A3 equivalent (29 x 42 cm / 11 X 16 inches). Please send us your poster by 28 August 2023, so that we can upload it to the platform.
In-person poster session will take place at the end of the conference. During this time you are required to stand at your poster. You will be provided with an easel on which to place your poster. Note that the maximum poster size is limited to A1: 59 x 84cm / 23 x 33inches. Posters should be set up on the morning of the event, and should remain in place for the entire event.
WSF2023 – Basel Hub
Track A: Sustainability in Interdisciplinary Sciences – Tools, Organization, Approaches
Chaired by Prof. Dr. Anet Režek Jambrak from the University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Track A of WSF2023 – Basel hub is focusing on Sustainability in Interdisciplinary Sciences – Tools, Organization, Approaches.
Dear colleagues, welcome to The 10th World Sustainability Forum – Basel hub!
It is my pleasure to welcome you, to the track: Sustainability in interdisciplinary sciences – tools, organization, approaches.
In this track there are two sessions:
Session 1: Towards low carbon emissions processing and digitalisation in the Food industry
Session 2: Impact of food research on society, economy, and environment
The aim of these sessions is to focus on hot/critical spots in food supply chain, strategies to implement innovative approaches to recycle, reduce and reuse food waste and food loss. Use of nonthermal technologies and advanced thermal technologies in line with sustainable development goals, calculation of carbon/waste/water footprints, life cycle assessment (LCA) in valorisation and utilisation of (food) waste/by-products/surplus are highly welcomed. Another pillars of sustainability are socio-economical aspects of innovations in the food supply/production chain, in line with Agenda 2030. and sustainable development goals (SDGs), ESG principle (environmental/social/governance in food industry and circular economy (CE) approach in promoting upcycling, innovation, and earth-friendly economic development model in the food industry.
Central scope of the session are innovations towards reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the food industry.
Track B: Sustainable Transition
Chaired by Dr. Lela Mélon from ESCI-UPF, Spain and msg global |
Track B of WSF2023 – Basel hub is focusing on Sustainable Transition.
Dear all,
It is an absolute pleasure to be able to invite you to our track on Sustainable Transition, focused on the recent changes regarding sustainability in higher education and programs that are substantially contributing to having leaders of tomorrow adequately equipped with the required skills and knowledge for sustainable transition, as well as the legislative changes and practical movement in sustainable behavior of companies today, focused on the EU developments in the field of corporate governance and law. The present session is aimed at showcasing the intrinsic interrelation between the two topics, based on the current ever growing need for additional consulting services which should gradually be replaced with inherent inside knowledge on sustainability related concerns at the level of C-suite and below.
The WSF2023 – Basel hub is accepting abstracts covering 4 topics:
- Towards Low Carbon Emissions Processing and Digitalisation in the Food Industry (Track A)
- Impact of Food Research on Society, Economy and Environment (Track A)
- Sustainability in Higher Education (Track B)
- Corporate Sustainability (Track B)
Two excellent Keynote Speakers have been confirmed for the WSF2023 – Basel Hub:
Prof. Dr. Ilija Djekic |
Ms. Ladeja Godina Košir
Founder & Executive Director Circular Change, Co-chair ECESP |
The 10th World Sustainability Forum – Basel Hub will be held in two different venues that are a 5-min walk away from each other, allowing the attendees to switch easily from building to building:
How to get to Basel?
Anyone arriving in Basel by car will find numerous parking options. You can find more information here.
How to get to the venues from Basel SBB Train Station?
- Tram 11, stop St. Johanns Tor
- Tram 1, stop Burgfelderplatz
- Bus 50, stop Kannenfeldplatz
- Bus 30, stop Kinderspital UKBB or Bernoullianum
How to get to the venues from Basel Badischer Train Station?
- Bus 30, stop Bernoullianum
We want your stay in Basel during the conference to be as good as possible. With that in mind, we have agreed a discount with several hotels to make your accommodation choice easier. Please book your accommodation online and contact the hotels directly with any issues or requests related to accommodation bookings.
We are delighted to announce that the following hotels will offer a discounted price for all WSF2023 attendees:
Hotel | Description |
How to book |
Right at the Centralbahnplatz and in the centre of Basel the 4 star Hotel Euler offers 66 spacious rooms and luxurious Junior Suites.Just a few steps away from the old town and the main city attractions, the Hotel Euler is the perfect starting point to explore the city by foot or with the famous "Trämli" (tram).The pharmacy district, fairgrounds as well as the University of Basel are reachable within few minutes. The ticket for public transport is free of charge when staying at the Hotel Euler. |
Send an email to and add the 20% discount code "WSF1023" while making your reservation. | |
Comfort Stay Basel Airport | All our apartments have loads of amenities to ensure you have the most comfortable experience. Fully equipped kitchen with espresso coffee machine as well as a modern design living room with cable TV and fast WIFI.Exceptionally located right at the Basel tram 3 station 'Soleil'. Downtown Basel can be reached quickly and easily as well as Basel EuroAirport. For your convenience, across the street is a supermarket and laundromat. | Go to the website and add the promo code "THANKS" to get a 10% discount. |
Our hotel ibis Basel Train Station, with its low prices, is located right next to Basel SBB Train Station and is just 15 minutes from EuroAirport Basel Airport. The city centre and the zoo are within walking distance and can be reached within minutes on foot or by tram. A friendly reception, modern infrastructure, 24-hour bar service, car park and free Wi-Fi complete the offer. | Send an email to or call +41 61 201 07 07 to have a special offer. Remember to add the code "MDPI14092023" while making your reservation. | |
Urban, unique and inspiring. This is the 4-star Design & Lifestyle Hotel Nomad in the middle of Grossbasel. It’s here where locals and guests from around the world find their temporary home. Modern architecture in combination with a homely design characterise the hotel with a unique charm: from the gym with sauna, to the Eatery and Bar, right up to the Penthouse Suite. The heart of the Nomad is the lively Eatery. Here the food tells the stories. Stories of distant lands and hidden, adventurous places. Dishes – citations from places, which the urban nomad enjoyed on his travels – bring the guests of the Eatery together as they linger at the bar late into the night. | Visit the website and add the promo code "NOMADFRIENDS" to get a discount. | |
The Holiday Inn Express & Suites Basel - Allschwil, will surprise you! Located in Allschwil just 15 mins away by bus or car from the centre of Basel and only 15 mins away from Euroairport Basel. The hotel offers contemporary comforts without frills e.g., free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, onsite conference room, 24/7 Express Café & Bar with snack menu and an always included Express Breakfast. |
To book a room, click here and you will be directed to the hotel website. Search for the relevant dates and the 15% off the daily rate will be calculated automatically. For questions, please send an email to | |
Our location at the SBB station square is hard to beat, we are very well connected to the public transport network (bus, train, streetcar). |
Visit the website and add the code "MDPI Basel" while making your reservation to benefit from a preferential rate. | |
Hotel Basel is a modern, elegant 4* hotel located in the heart of the historic center of Basel within short walking distance to the most important landmarks, shopping possibilities and to restaurants and bars. It offers 73 newly renovated comfortable rooms, a cozy restaurant and meeting facilities.
Send an email to and add the promo code "230914 MDPI Sustainability Forum" to get a discount. | |
The Essential by Dorint - Basel City enjoys a quiet location next to the Messe Basel fairgrounds, close to the airport, and within easy reach of the centre. Modern rooms and apartments with a kitchenette and sofa bed ensure a relaxing stay. Delicious Swiss and international cuisine is served in the air-conditioned, non-smoking restaurant, Côté Jardin. |
Click here to book a room and benefit from a preferential rate. |
WSF2023 – Basel Hub | Program
Track A: Sustainability in Interdisciplinary Sciences – Tools, Organization, Approaches |
Track B: Sustainable Transition |
09:00-10:00 |
15:00-16:00 |
03:00-04:00 |
Check-in at Pharmazentrum, Klingelbergstrasse 50, CH-4056 Basel |
10:00-10:10 |
16:00-16:10 |
04:00-04:10 |
Welcome from the Basel Chair, Prof. Dr. Anet Režek Jambrak |
Welcome from the Basel Chair, Dr. Lela Mélon |
10:10-11:00 |
16:10-17:00 |
04:10-05:00 |
Keynote speaker: Prof. Dr. Ilija Đekić – Challenges in Sustainability Reporting Performed by Food Organizations |
Keynote Speaker: Ms. Ladeja Godina Košir – Embrace Change, Encourage Creativity: Orchestrating Sustainable Transitions |
11:00-11:30 |
17:00-17:30 |
05:00-05:30 |
Coffee Break at Pharmazentrum, Klingelbergstrasse 50, CH-4056 Basel |
11:30-12:45 |
17:30-18:45 |
05:30-06:45 |
Session A: Sustainability in Interdisciplinary Sciences – Tools, Organization, Approaches |
Session B: Sustainable Transition |
11:30-11:45 |
17:30-17:45 |
05:30-05:45 |
Maria Emilia Garbelli – Hasten Low Carbon Transition Through Renewable Energy Communities in Lombardy: Evaluating Knowledge and Participation in the Private Sector |
Joachim von Heimburg – Meeting Shareholders and Stakeholder Expectations on Corporate Sustainability: Industry Experts Talk
11:45-12:00 |
17:45-18:00 |
05:45-06:00 |
Tonia Ruppenthal – A Systematic Literature Review: Examining Eye-Tracking Studies on Eco-Friendly Food Choices |
Norbert Biro & Daniel Szollosi – Emission Quantification for Sustainable Heavy-Duty Transportation |
12:00-12:15 |
18:00-18:15 |
06:00-06:15 |
Nuwanthi Mahamaya Senevirathna – Valorisation of Banana Inflorescence for Natural Antioxidant and Polyphenol Production in a Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy |
Johanna Wagner – Quality of ESD: From Irrelevance to Impact |
12:15-12:30 |
18:15-18:30 |
06:15-06:30 |
Nileema Blanch Pereira – Efficient and Sustainable Hybrid Drying for Reducing Food Waste: Developing a Physics-Based Model for Optimizing Heat and Mass Transfer |
Jaime Martin Gaitero – Corporate Sustainability Data: A Tale of Surfing the Regulatory Tsunami |
12:30-12:45 |
18:30-18:45 |
06:30-06:45 |
Nontanan Wichiensan – Development of Ceramic Coating Formula Using Design of Experiments and Mixture Design Technique: Sludge from Water Treatment Process |
Lilliana Stefanovic – “Sustainable Diets” as an Interdisciplinary Elective Course for International Master’s Degree Students Raising Awareness About Human Diet-Environment-Health Interlinkages |
12:45-13:45 |
18:45-19:45 |
06:45-07:45 |
Lunch Break at Pharmazentrum, Klingelbergstrasse 50, CH-4056 Basel |
13:45-16:00 |
19:45-22:00 |
07:45-10:00 |
MDPI Sustainability Awards Ceremony |
13:45-14:25 |
19:45-20:25 |
07:45-08:25 |
Emerging Sustainability Leaders Pitch Presentations |
13:45-13:55 |
19:45-19:55 |
07:45-07:55 |
Introduction |
13:55-14:05 |
19:55-20:05 |
07:55-08:05 |
Pitch Presentation – Dr. Youjin Kim - Advancing Sustainability Across Three Pillars: An In-depth Exploration |
14:05-14:15 |
20:05-20:15 |
08:05-08:15 |
Pitch Presentation– Dr. Julia Lohmann |
14:15-14:25 |
20:15-20:25 |
08:15-08:25 |
Pitch Presentation – Dr. Bahareh Kamranzad - Sustainability of Ocean Renewable Energy in a Changing Climate |
14:25-15:40 |
20:25-21:40 |
08:25-09:40 |
World Sustainability Award Ceremony |
14:25-14:50 |
20:25-20:50 |
08:25-08:50 |
Third Place: Dr. Krithi Karanth – Living with Wildlife: Insights from 25 years of Science, Conservation and Education in India |
14:50-15:15 |
20:50-21:15 |
08:50-09:15 |
Second Place: Prof. Thomas P. Lyon – Towards Corporate Sustainability: Transparency, Accountability and Responsibility |
15:15-15:40 |
21:15-21:40 |
09:15-09:40 |
First Place: Prof. Michael R. Templeton – Sustainable Sanitation for All |
15:40-16:00 |
21:40-22:00 |
09:40-10.00 |
Closing of the Ceremony |
16:00-18:00 |
22:00-00:00 |
10:00-12:00 |
FOR IN-PERSON ATTENDEES ONLY! Poster Session and Aperitif |
Please note that the program is still subject to change at any time.
Poster Sessions
Virtual poster session will take place during the two breaks. During these times, you are required to be present online to discuss and answer any questions related to your poster. Virtual posters should be in PDF format, orientation: landscape (horizontally). Maximum size: A3 equivalent (29 x 42 cm / 11 X 16 inches). Please send us your poster by 28 August 2023, so that we can upload it to the platform.
In-person poster session will take place at the end of the conference. During this time you are required to stand at your poster. You will be provided with a poster board on which to hang your poster. Note that the maximum poster size is limited to A0: 84 x 120cm / 33 x 47inches. Posters should be set up on the morning of the event, and should remain in place for the entire event.
WSF2023 – Toronto Hub
The Sustainable Built Environment
Chaired by Dr. Umberto Berardi from the Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada |
The WSF2023 – Toronto hub is focusing on Sustainability in the Built Environment.
International research has confirmed that the built environment is the most promising sector for a rapid transition to sustainability. In this scenario, many examples of sustainable urban environments show the advantages of sustainability. Meanwhile, an increasing demand for tools which are suitable for assessing built sustainability is recorded. The assessment of sustainability of the built environment is an essential step toward its promotion. However, large difficulties exist in creating useful and measurable assessment indicators. The possibility of assessing both products and processes for green buildings has been considered particularly important for a sector as inertial as that of the built environment.
Meanwhile, recent literature has discussed the importance of going beyond the sustainability assessment of single buildings and to enlarge the assessment scale to communities in a way that will cover all the different aspects of sustainability. In fact, a significant achievement in sustainability assessments has been the introduction of rating systems for urban design. These increase the assessment scale and allow for the consideration of aspects not accounted for at the building scale. Examples of some aspects of this are the flows and the synergies between initiatives within the built environment and the consequent social and economic effects of sustainability in the built environment. In this sense, the sustainability assessments of communities are proving to be much more than the summation of individual green elements as the scaling-up results in complex interactions. The need to go beyond the building-centric approach in sustainability assessments favours the discussion of new possible areas of sustainability assessment within the built environment.
The WSF2023 – Toronto hub is accepting abstracts covering 3 topics:
- Green Cities
- Smart Cities
- Low Carbon Cities
Two excellent Keynote Speakers will be present at the WSF2023 – Toronto Hub:
Prof. Dr. Ursula Eicker |
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Lachemi |
The 10th World Sustainability Forum – Toronto Hub will be held at the Sears Atrium, in the Toronto Metropolitan University. Find the directions here:
How to get to Toronto?
VIA Rail and AMTRAK bring visitors into the heart of the city each day. Toronto’s Union Station is centrally located downtown and connects to the subway by underground tunnel.
The train station is a 20-minute walk from the conference venue.
Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport
Hamilton International Airport
Buffalo Niagara International Airport
Anyone arriving in Toronto by car will find numerous parking options. Click here to find a parking near the venue!
Several highways, including Highways 2, 401, 407 and the Queen Elizabeth Way, link surrounding cities to Toronto. The nearest Canada-U.S. border crossings are at Niagara Falls, Fort Erie and Windsor.
We want your stay in Toronto during the conference to be as good as possible. With that in mind, we have agreed a discount with several hotels to make your accommodation choice easier. Please book your accommodation online and contact the hotels directly with any issues or requests related to accommodation bookings.
We are delighted to announce that the following hotels will offer a discounted price for all WSF2023 attendees:
Hotel | Description | How to book |
Bisha Hotel Toronto, professionally managed by Loews Hotels & Co. is located in the epicenter of Toronto's Entertainment District, with theatres, sports/music venues, shopping and restaurants at our doorstep. We have an exclusive floor envisioned by Lenny Kravitz and realized by Kravitz Design. Guests can experience four dining establishments on-site from casual dining at our rooftop restaurant Kost, Mister C bar room, French Made Café to fine-dining at our signature restaurant, Akira Back. Our rooftop infinity pool overlooks the city and Lake Ontario. For us, good hospitality means going further than making you feel welcome and relaxed; it means making you feel inspired. | To book a room, click here and follow the steps on the page. | |
The Yorkville Royal Sonesta Hotel, located in the heart of Toronto's Culture Corridor on the renowned Mink Mile, offers a remarkable introduction to one of Canada's most vibrant cities. Immerse yourself in the local ambiance with top attractions, including the University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, and Rogers Center, all situated nearby. The well-appointed guest rooms at our boutique exude cosmopolitan charm and offer stunning vistas of historic Queen's Park and the city's skyline. Unwind in our stunning indoor rooftop pool and relish fine dining and beverages served in an elegant atmosphere. To host your corporate events, book our adaptable meeting area, spanning over 7,700 square feet and lit by natural light. Stay productive and connected with our 24-hour Business Center. |
To benefit from a special rate, click here and select the room that you prefer (discount already applied). |
WSF2023 – Toronto Hub | Program
Session |
09:00-10:00 |
15:00-16:00 |
21:00-22:00 |
Check-in |
10:00-10:15 |
16:00-16:15 |
22:00-22:15 |
Welcome from the Toronto Chair Prof. Berardi |
10:15-11:00 |
16:15-17:00 |
22:15-23:00 |
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Ursula Eicker – Digital Twins for Urban Decarbonization Strategies |
11:00-11:30 |
17:00-17:30 |
23:00-23:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-12:15 |
17:30-18:15 |
23:00-00:15 |
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Mohamed Lachemi - Advanced Self-Energy Storing/Self-Healing Engineered Cementitious Composites |
12:15-13:30 |
18:15-19:30 |
00:15-01:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30-15:00 |
19:30-21:00 |
01:30-03:00 |
Session 1: Green Cities |
13:30-13:45 |
19:30-19:45 |
01:30-01:45 |
Zeina Seaifan – Activating Communities and Resources Through the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy |
13:45-14:00 |
19:45-20:00 |
01:45-02:00 |
Luzalen Marcos – Green Roof Detection Through Satellite Imagery using Faster R-CNN |
14:00-14:15 |
20:00-20:15 |
02:00-02:15 |
April Roggio – The Places That Feed Us: Food System Governance Along the Urban-Rural Continuum |
14:15-14:30 |
20:15-20:30 |
02:15-02:30 |
Jean-Pierre Chupin – Social Inequalities of Spaces for Aging Populations |
14:30-14:45 |
20:30-20:45 |
02:30-02:45 |
Wahab Abdul Ghafar – Seismic Performance of Retrofitted RC Frame Structure After Column Removal and Retrofitted by Post-tensioning Tendons and RC Jacketing |
14:45-15:00 |
20:45-21:00 |
02:45-03:00 |
Binita Dhungel – Challenges Towards Green Cities Development in Developing Countries: An Example From Kathmandu, Nepal |
15:00-15:30 |
21:00-21:30 |
03:00-03:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30-17:15 |
21:30-22:45 |
03:30-04:45 |
Sessions 2 & 3: Low Carbon Cities and Smart Cities |
15:30-15:45 |
21:30-21:45 |
03:30-03:45 |
Elena Gyulay – Rethinking Human-Centric Architecture: Universal Design Principles in Compact Residential Spaces |
15:45-16:00 |
21:45-22:00 |
Leila Abdolmaleki – Simulation and Analysis of a Hydrogen-Powered System for Zero-Energy Buildings using TRNSYS Software |
16:00-16:15 |
22:00-22:15 |
04:00-04:15 |
Ruba Salah – The Impact of Glazing as a Form of Building Envelope on Carbon Emissions in Toronto |
16:15-16:30 |
22:15-22:30 |
04:15-04:30 |
Vipin Solanki – A Route to Net Carbon Zero: The Case Study of Social Integration in Sultanpur Wetland, India |
16:30-16:45 |
22:30-22:45 |
04:30-04:45 |
Nabeela Farah – A Comprehensive Study on Identifying Indicators for the Success of Services in Advance Digital Cities Based on Big Data and Cyber Technology |
16:45-17:00 |
22:45-23:00 |
04:45-05:00 |
Emmanuel Kweinor Tetteh – Optimization of Integrated Anaerobic-Photocatalytic System for Biogas Production |
17:00-17:15 |
23:00-23:15 |
05:00-05:15 |
Dwi Amalia Sari – A Tale of Four Cities: Assessing Net Zero Carbon Policy in Indonesia |
17:15-18:30 |
23:15-00:30 |
05:15-06:30 |
Please note that the program is still subject to change at any time.
Poster Sessions
Please find the list of posters for Toronto Hub HERE (last updated 22 August 2023).
Virtual poster session will take place during the two breaks. During these times, you are required to be present online to discuss and answer any questions related to your poster. Virtual posters should be in PDF format, orientation: landscape (horizontally). Maximum size: A3 equivalent (29 x 42 cm / 11 X 16 inches). Please send us your poster by 28 August 2023, so that we can upload it to the platform.
Book of Abstracts
WSF2023 Recordings
MDPI Sustainability Awards Ceremony
In-Person Registration
The In-Person registration fee includes attendance of the selected local conference sessions, morning/afternoon coffee breaks and lunch, as well as all the virtual conference sessions, and recordings afterwards (please note that the registration does not include travel or accommodation arrangements).
Please make sure to add in the comments the location of the Hub you want to attend: Singapore, Basel or Toronto.
Please note that selected Speakers need to attend in person. If a speaker cannot attend in person, they forfeit their right to present.
Virtual Registration
The Virtual registration fee includes attendance of the 24h live stream, and recordings afterwards.
Important Information
Participation to the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid.
Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by anyone of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 23 July 2023. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.
When registering, please provide us with your institutional email address. This will accelerate the registration process. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual institutional email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.
Certificate of Attendance: Participants of the event will be able to download an electronic Certificate of Attendance by accessing their dashboards on once the event is concluded. The certificates will be found under "My Certificates" category.
Reach out to us if you're from a low-income or lower-middle income country to apply for reduced fees.
Members from partnering societies are granted a 20% discount on all registration fees. Please make sure to provide us with proof that you are indeed part of one of our partnering societies. Are you part of a society that isn't partnering with the conference? Contact us to discuss a possible partnership!
In case you should be eligible for a price reduction, please note that special prices and discounts will be added to your registration when processing. This means that you will not have to pay the stated price immediately upon registration, and you will receive an invoice with the price adjustment after you have registered.
Start date - End date | Price | Supported documents | |
DISCOUNTED In-Person Academic | ...-15th August 2023 | 280.00 CHF | |
DISCOUNTED In-Person Student | ...-15th August 2023 | 105.00 CHF |
Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID (not expired) |
DISCOUNTED In-Person Non-Academic | ...-15th August 2023 | 385.00 CHF | |
DISCOUNTED In-Person MDPI Editorial Board Member | ...-15th August 2023 | 245.00 CHF | |
DISCOUNTED Virtual Academic | ...-15th August 2023 | 210.00 CHF | |
DISCOUNTED Virtual Student | ...-15th August 2023 | 52.00 CHF |
Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID (not expired) |
DISCOUNTED Virtual MDPI Editorial Board Member | ...-15th August 2023 | 175.00 CHF | |
DISCOUNTED Virtual Non-Academic | ...-15th August 2023 | 280.00 CHF | |
In-Person Academic | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 400.00 CHF | |
In-Person Student | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 150.00 CHF |
Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID (not expired) |
In-Person MDPI Editorial Board Member | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 350.00 CHF | |
In-Person Non-Academic | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 550.00 CHF | |
In-Person Chairs, Invited Speakers, MDPI Guests | ...-... | Free | |
Virtual Academic | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 300.00 CHF | |
Virtual Student | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 75.00 CHF |
Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID (not expired) |
Virtual MDPI Editorial Board Member | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 250.00 CHF | |
Virtual Non-Academic | 16th August 2023-14th September 2023 | 400.00 CHF | |
Virtual MDPI Guests | ...-... | Free |
Cancellation policy
Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:
> 2 months before the conference |
Full refund but CHF 50.- are retained for administration |
> 1 month before the conference |
Refund 50% of the applying fees |
> 2 weeks before the conference |
Refund 25% of the applying fees |
< 2 weeks before the conference |
No refund |
Visa Information
Please note that you must apply for your own visa application. MDPI is not responsible for any visa application, however, MDPI can provide a Visa Support Letter.
- Applicants must have paid for registration and submitted an abstract in order to get a letter of support.
- Applicants must provide us with a scan of their valid in date passport that contains a photo of them.
- Applicants must provide us with a letter of support from their institution to confirm that they support the delegate attending the meeting.
- This must be carried in good time before the meeting, “last minute” requests will not be processed.
We will endeavour to present the program advertised. However, in the unlikely event that MDPI shall deem it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed. MDPI shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates. Tours run by third parties may be subject to cancellation or alteration.
Beware of Unauthorized Registration and Hotel Solicitations
Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform to register to WSF2023, and that we are not associated with any hotel agency. While other hotel resellers and travel agencies may contact you with offers for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with WSF2023 or Sciforum. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.
The organizers do not accept liability for personal accident, loss, or damage to private property incurred as a result of participation in the WSF2023. Delegates are advised to arrange appropriate insurance to cover travel, cancellation costs, medical, and theft or damage of belongings.
Photographs and/or video will be taken during the conference
By taking part in this event you grant the event organizers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the conference’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.
Instructions for Authors
The 10th World Sustainability Forum will accept abstracts only.
The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference.
Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. Please use the same email address during registration and when submitting your work.
What are the benefits in getting your abstract accepted at the WSF2023?
You get to present and discuss your latest findings with your peers.
You get to network and exchange ideas and resources with like-minded researchers.
Your research will be highlighted in an MDPI announcement and social media post. You will be mentioned in the News section of, as well as in one of the MDPI Sustainability Foundation Social Media Posts.
You will receive a 10% discount on the registration fees.
You will receive the opportunity to submit your full manuscript to a dedicated Special Issue with a 20% discount on the publication fees.
Submit your research
Create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one, then click on ‘New Submission’ on the upper-right corner of the window, or by clicking on ‘Submit Abstract’ at the top of this webpage. Indicate what thematic area is best suited for your research.
- Submit an abstract in English (maximum 300 words). The deadline to submit your abstract is 4 June 2023.
- Upon submission, you can select if you wish to be considered for an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
- Following assessment by the Selection Committee and the Chairs, you will be notified by 3 July 2023 in a separate email whether your contribution has been accepted for oral presentation.
- Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 23 July 2023. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations will be given in-person. If a selected speaker cannot attend in person to give their oral presentation, they forfeit their right to present.
All presentations must be sent to the Conference Organizers before the day of their presentation.
Poster Presentation
There will be two types of Poster Presentations: in-person and online. The in-person poster presentations will take place in the 3 local hubs (Singapore, Basel, and Toronto). Once your abstract is approved as poster, we will ask you to confirm whether you will be attending in-person or online.
Publication Opportunities
We are happy to share that participants will be able to submit their full manuscript to the following joint Special Issues:
- Sustainable Buildings and Cities, guest edited by Dr. Umberto Berardi
Please note that depending on the scope of your paper, you can either submit your research to the journal Sustainability or the journal Buildings. Conference Participants will be granted a 20% discount on the publication fees, in either journal.
- Sustainability in the Food Industry, guest edited by Prof. Dr. Anet Režek Jambrak
Please note that depending on the scope of your paper, you can either submit your research to the journal Sustainability, the journal Foods or the journal Waste. Conference Participants will be granted a 20% discount on the publication fees, in either journal.
- Sustainability for Social Community Impact, guest edited by Prof. Dr. Horn Mun Cheah, Dr. Renee Tan, and Dr. George Soo Lam Wong.
Please note that depending on the scope of your paper, you can either submit your research to the journal Sustainability, or the journal Social Sciences. Conference Participants will be granted a 20% discount on the publication fees, in either journal.
MDPI Sustainability Foundation Awards
We fund research to make the world a better place. For this reason, we are offering two awards:
- The World Sustainability Award: a total prize money of 100’000 USD, entirely funded by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation
- The Emerging Sustainability Leader Award: a total prize money of 20’000 USD funded by the MDPI Journal Sustainability
The 2023 nominations have now closed. Thank you to all who submitted a nomination!
For more information, please visit:
Sponsors and Partners
For questions regarding sponsorship opportunities, check out our sponsorship brochure or contact
Partnering Societies
Media Partners
S1. Singapore Hub – Sustainability Through Innovation
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S2. Singapore Hub – The Future of Sustainability
Show all accepted abstracts (6) Hide accepted abstracts (6)
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BA2. Basel Hub – Impact of Food Research on Society, Economy, and Environment (Track A)
Themes that we expect:
- Detecting hot/critical spots in (food) production/supply chain
- Strategies to implement innovative approaches to recycle, reduce, reuse, and upcycle waste/surplus in the supply/production chain
- Nonthermal technologies and advanced thermal technologies in line with sustainable development goals: calculation of carbon/waste/water footprints
- Waste mitigation scenarios
- Food waste and losses and UN SDGs
- Food waste–food security–food hunger nexus
- Sustainable diets and food waste
- Food waste and sustainable production
- Food and environmental law in decreasing food waste
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) in valorisation and utilisation of (food) waste/by-products/surplus
- Socio-economical aspects of innovations in the Food supply/production chain
- Agenda 2030 and Sustainable development goals: innovation towards reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the Food industry
- ESG (environmental/social/governance in food industry): how to monitor and be in line with legislation (ISO norms, LCA standards)
- Circular economy (CE) approach in promoting upcycling, innovation, and earth-friendly economic development model in the Food industry
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BA1. Basel Hub – Towards Low Carbon Emissions Processing and Digitalization in the Food Industry (Track A)
Themes that we expect:
- Detecting hot/critical spots in (food) production/supply chain
- Strategies to implement innovative approaches to recycle, reduce, reuse, and upcycle waste/surplus in the supply/production chain
- Nonthermal technologies and advanced thermal technologies in line with sustainable development goals: calculation of carbon/waste/water footprints
- Waste mitigation scenarios
- Food waste and losses and UN SDGs
- Food waste–food security–food hunger nexus
- Sustainable diets and food waste
- Food waste and sustainable production
- Food and environmental law in decreasing food waste
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) in valorisation and utilisation of (food) waste/by-products/surplus
- Socio-economical aspects of innovations in the Food supply/production chain
- Agenda 2030 and Sustainable development goals: innovation towards reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the Food industry
- ESG (environmental/social/governance in food industry): how to monitor and be in line with legislation (ISO norms, LCA standards)
- Circular economy (CE) approach in promoting upcycling, innovation, and earth-friendly economic development model in the Food industry
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BB1. Basel Hub – Sustainability in Higher Education (Track B)
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BB2. Basel Hub – Corporate Sustainability (Track B)
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T1. Toronto Hub – Green Cities
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T2. Toronto Hub – Smart Cities
Show all accepted abstracts (3) Hide accepted abstracts (3)
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T3. Toronto Hub – Low Carbon Cities
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