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Volatile Organic Compounds Influence Pine Processionary Moth Behavior
* 1, 2 , 3 , 4
1  INIAV, I.P., National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinarian Research, Quinta do Marquês, 2780-159 Oeiras, Portugal.
2  MED, Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development & CHANGE—Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Évora University, Pólo da Mitra, Ap. 94, 7006-554 Évora, Portugal
3  Plant Metabolomics Laboratory, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier (ITQB NOVA), Av. da República, 2780-157 Oeiras, Portugal.
4  IRAMAT-CRP2A UMR 5060—CNRS-Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Maison de l’archéologie, Esplanade des Antilles F-33607, Pessac Cedex, France
Academic Editor: Kristopher Giles


The pine processionary moth (PPM), namely Thaumetopoea pityocampa or T. wilkinsoni, feeds on pine needles, causing defoliation and promoting tree decline. The production and emission of volatile organic compounds is one of the most effective plant defense mechanisms against herbivory. The present work reviewed available reports on the influence of plant volatiles on PPM behavior. Eighteen volatiles were reported to be detected by the PPM, to inhibit feeding and oviposition, or to reduce attraction to pheromones. High biological activities were reported for limonene or β-pinene enantiomers. Infested pines showed increased production of bornyl acetate, β-pinene and caryophyllene oxide. Uncovering the volatile cues that influence parasitic PPM behavior provides an important contribute to the establishment of safer pest management practices to control this pine pest.

Keywords: enantiomers; limonene; pest management; Pinus; terpenes; Thaumetopoea pityocampa; volatiles; β-pinene