This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the coastal protection engineering methods along western Bardaweil Lagoon artificial Inlets. A Multi-temporal shorelines were detected and extracted from Landsat satellite time-series images (30-m spatial resolution) including different sensors ; Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), and Operational Land Imager(OLI) imagery taken from 1985 to 2020 were used to compare shoreline change rates prior to and after the construction of the coastal structures (Jetties). Geographic Information Systems based Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) has been used to compute statistics of historical shoreline changes. The results indicated that the coastal structures were successful to protect the navigational canals of Inlets from sedimentation, as well as it contributes to save lagoon inlets from severe coastal erosion, on the other hand, a new coastal erosion zones have been appeared close to the inlets entrance and need to protection.
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Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Evaluation of Coastal Protection Methods and Shoreline Change: A Case Study of Bardaweil Lagoon, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
11 November 2021
in The 6th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Soft and Hard Interventions to Adapt to and Mitigate Abiotic and Biotic Coastal Change Due to Climate Change and Human Interventions
(registering DOI)
Keywords: coastline dynamics; coastal lagoons; North Sinai Coast; coastal protection methods; DSAS; GIS analysis