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Synthesis of novel tryptamine-based triazoles
* 1, 2 , 3
1  Centre Universitaire Abdelhafid Boussouf Mila; Département de Sciences et Technique, institut Science et Technologie 43000
2  Université Frères Mentouri Constantine1; Département de chimie; Laboratoire d'obtension des substances thérapeutique (L.O.S.T); Campus Chaabet ersas 25000
3  aLaboratory of Synthesis of Molecules with Biological Interest, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Mentouri - Constantine 1 University, 25000 Constantine, Algeria.
Academic Editor: Julio A. Seijas (registering DOI)

1,2,3 triazoles are important types of heterocyclic compounds. They find numerous applications in industry, namely as dyestuffs, fluorescent whiteners, photostabilizers of polymers, optical brightening agents, corrosion inhibitors and as photographic photoreceptors.

On the other hand, tryptamine has also great pharmacological properties, for this raison we have proposed to synthesize tryptamine-based triazoles. Several methods for synthesizing the triazole moiety are described in the literature; we have chosen a simple synthesis method.

Keywords: Triazole; Tryptamine; synthesis
