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Optimization of the use of residuals in pig farms: A mini-bibliographic review
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1  Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador
2  Granja Agropecuaria Caicedo, Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz


The excreta and urine of the pigs, by not being treated in the farms, constitute the main cause of toxicity of the soil, air and water, generating later problems in livestock and agricultural productions, affecting small and medium producers, affecting public health, decreasing the quality of life and generating environmental damage that must be remedied with a high economic investment. The objective of this bibliographic review was to evaluate the transformation and use of pig waste (manure and urine) in agricultural production. At the international level there are multiple uses for the processing of these residuals, among which the following stand out; the production of bioles and compost as a source of nutrients for crops, and the production of biogas and electrical energy that serve as ecological energy for cooking, lighting and heating the piglets. The success of taking advantage of the waste generated by a pig production system has a great impact on the generation of fertilizers and energy for use in integrated agricultural production systems

Keywords: Pig waste, bio-fertilizers, methane, electricity, swine excreta