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Challenges and perspectives in the management of backyard poultry production systems in native communities in the Sonoran Desert, Mexico
1  Division of Biological Sciences of the Universidad de la Sierra. Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico
Academic Editor: Idrus Zulkifli (registering DOI)

Poultry production in Sonora, Mexico has various production gradients. In some native communities, backyard production remnants subsist. This work delimits the knowledge with which the community of Térapa, Sonora, Mexico manages backyard poultry production from its original ethnoecotechnological worldview under current emergencies, mainly the climatic one. The backyard poultry production system is affected by global climatic conditions and the aridity of the territory, while at the same time it is pushed to the limit of its stability by complementing this population with its protein nutrition diet. Backyard poultry (Gallus gallus) productive units in the Ópata - mestizo native community of San Clemente de Térapa, Mexico were analyzed by means of an observational retrospective, workshop participation and the grounded theory of Glasser and Strauss. Poultry production units, having differences in their direction, strategy and approach to managing backyard production, present various challenges. The ethnoecotechnological management and vision is manifested in the units studied, including techniques adapted to the various contemporary strategies to alleviate extreme climatic effects.

Keywords: Integrated strategic management, complex system, ethnoecotechnological resources, agro-productive risk, food security, climate emergency, local perspectives, global effects