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Design comparison between the economic series method and the heuristic method in a pressurized irrigation network
* 1 , 1 , 2 , 3
1  Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
2  Universitat Politècnica de València (España)
3  Universidad de Zaragoza (España)
Academic Editor: Soni Pradhanang


Agriculture is an axis of development that faces innovation challenges every day, one of the important aspects in this field is the design of collective pressure irrigation systems. The present work aims to compare the optimal design of collective pressure irrigation networks using the Improved Economic Series (SEM) optimization method with an optimization method using Genetic Algorithm (AG). For this, a methodology with an ordered sequence was developed and after the input of the inputs such as network topology, agronomic conditions, and design parameters, the respective configurations of the two optimization models used are made. The objective function and the decision variables are defined, as well as the constraints. The design results of three networks selected for this implementation and operating in shifts, demonstrate that it is possible to use evolutionary algorithms and analytical methods for the economic design of irrigation networks.

Keywords: design, irrigation systems, optimization methods, genetic algorithms, economic series