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A Bibliometric Overview Over Smart Farming
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1  Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering, Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil
2  RESUP - Research Group in Supply Chain Management, Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering, Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil
Academic Editor: Massimo Cecchini


Agriculture technology has been used to increase farms productivity allowing the management of spatial and temporal variability of soil factors, crops, and animals. Due to the advances in technologies such as the Internet of Things - where the devices monitor, analyze, and make decisions – the farms are connected forming the concept of smart agriculture. Thus, it is possible to increase efficiency, quality, speed and at the same time reduce cost, and wastes. In this study, we do a literature review of smart farm concept application to identify the state of the art of use technologies in agriculture. Data collected from Scopus is analyzed using VOSviwer software. The software is a tool for building and visualizing bibliometric networks allowing the construction of networks based on citation relationships, bibliographic coupling, or occurrence of important terms. The results of the article present an overview of smart farming development and propose areas of improvement.

Keywords: smart farming; VOSviwer; visualizing; bibliometric networks