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Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging: Introduction, Applications, Startups
1  Departamento de química orgánica e inorgánica, Universidad del País Vasco
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz


Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly deep learning algorithms, is gaining extensive attention for its excellent performance in image-recognition tasks. They can automatically make a quantitative assessment of complex medical image characteristics and achieve an increased accuracy for diagnosis with higher efficiency. In this review medical imaging for different applications will be discussed. In addition, different startup, spin-off, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and also some BigPharman and or Tech companies are developing AI-based medical imaging technologies. This communication also lists some of these startup companies.

Keywords: Medical Imaging; Artificial Intelligence; Liver imaging; Breast imaging; Thoracic imaging
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estefania Ascencio
Dear authors thank you for your support to the conference.

Now we closed the publication phase and launched the post-publication phase of the conference. REVIEWWWERS'08 Brainstorming Workshop is Now Open from 2023-Jan-01 to 2023-Jan-31. MOL2NET Committee, Authors, and Validated Social Media Followers Worldwide are ... Invited to Post Moderated Questions/Answers, Comments, about papers. Please kindly post your public Answers (A) to the following questions in order to promote interchange of scientific ideas. These are my Questions (Q) to you:

Q1. What perspectives are possible when handling different databases in artificial intelligence (AI). Taking into account the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union

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shara hall
Artificial intelligence and medical imaging are two of the most important and rapidly growing fields of technology in the world. With the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, medical imaging has become an increasingly important tool for diagnosing and treating diseases. subway surfers
