As one of the most widely used equipment in the forging industry, the hydraulic press can complete various free forging processes. As the main working part of the hydraulic press, the mobile station plays the role of installing, fixing and moving the workpiece in the system. Due to the rigid connection between the mobile station and the support structure at present, it is easy to cause damage to the support structure. Therefore, in order to reduce the impact wear of the workpiece machining on the support structure of the hydraulic press mobile station, an innovative design scheme of the hydraulic press mobile station based on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is proposed. Firstly, the hydraulic press process model is established, and the overall process of the hydraulic press is transformed into a system function analysis model composed of multiple components, so as to determine the root cause of the problem of the hydraulic press under different working conditions, and then define the innovative design goals that need to be improved. Then, the established functional model is trimmed and improved, and several alternative technical solutions are obtained by using the Technical Contradiction Matrix, the Substance-Field Model and the Ideal Final Result. Finally, combined with the actual technical requirements of the hydraulic press mobile station system, the obtained scheme is analyzed to determine the final innovative design scheme of the mobile station. The results show that the proposed scheme can not only meet the working requirements of the hydraulic press, but also improve the stress condition of the support structure. The research results can provide a new idea for the structural design of the hydraulic press mobile station.
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Innovative Design of Hydraulic Press Mobile Station Based on TRIZ Theory
15 September 2022
in The 1st International Electronic Conference on Machines and Applications
session Advanced Manufacturing
Keywords: innovative design; hydraulic machine; TRIZ theory; Technical Contradiction Matrix; Substance-Field Model