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1  Test
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz



Keywords: Test
Comments on this paper
Andrea Ruiz-Escudero
Dear authors thank you for your support to the conference.
Now we closed the publication phase and launched the post-publication phase of the conference. REVIEWWWERS'08 Brainstorming Workshop is Now Open from 2023-Jan-01 to 2023-Jan-31. MOL2NET Committee, Authors, and Validated Social Media Followers Worldwide are invited to Post Moderated Questions/Answers, Comments, about papers.
Please kindly post your public Answers (A) to the following questions in order to promote interchange of scientific ideas.

These are my Questions (Q) to you, please kindly post your public Answers (A) below to promote scientific discussion and training of conference readers :

Q1. What other feature extraction methods could be explored to create more comprehensive features?

Q2. Could the model be applied to predict D modification sites in other types of RNA or in other organisms?

Dear author thanks in advance for your kind support answering the questions. Now, please become a verified REVIEWWWER of our conference by making questions to other papers in different Mol2Net congresses. Commenting Steps: Login, Go to Papers List, Select Paper, Write Comment, Click Post Comment.

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