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Cannabidiol: A Review of The Therapeutic Benefits and Extraction Methods
1  Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
2  Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Computer Science Faculty, University of A Coruña,Campus de Elviña, A Coruña, Spain.
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz


In recent years, the use of cannabidiol (CBD) for medicinal purposes has gained increasing attention due to its potential health benefits. Even so, the long-term effects are not fully understood, therefore, it is important to continue studying the risks, the potential benefits and also the optimal way to apply it in the medicinal area. In this review, the potential therapeutic uses and the extraction methods of CBD will be discussed.

Keywords: Cannabidiol, CBD, therapeutic benefits, endocannabinoid system, CBD extraction,
Comments on this paper
Maider Baltasar Marchueta
Dear authors thank you for your support to the conference.

Now we closed the publication phase and launched the post-publication phase of the conference. REVIEWWWERS'08 Brainstorming Workshop is Now Open from 2023-Jan-01 to 2023-Jan-31. MOL2NET Committee, Authors, and Validated Social Media Followers Worldwide are invited to Post Moderated Questions/Answers, Comments, about papers. Please kindly post your public Answers (A) to the following questions in order to promote interchange of scientific ideas.

My Questions (Q) to you:
Q1. As you stated, CBD has lots of health benefits. Could you please list some of these benefits that could make this product to be commersialized?
Q2. There are several clinical trials that have already tested the use of CBD. Do you think the toxicity is the main reason to carry out future investigations?

Dear author thanks in advance for your kind support answering the questions.

Now, the conference publication phase is close but you can answer here directly as a post-publication comment. However, in case you want to elaborate your answers in a more structured way in the form of a short communication we can upload it free-of-cost on your behalf to the CATCHTOHIT-03: Congress on Acad. Transl. Res. for Companies Helping to Height. Innov. & Tech., Bilbao-Cambridge, MA, USA, 2022.

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Happy new year 2023.

Thanks and kind regards,
CHEMBIOMOL Committee Assistant, Maider Baltasar Marchueta.
Andrea Ruiz-Escudero
Dear Maider Baltasar Marchueta,
Thank you for your attention to my work and for providing your valuable feedback.

In response to your first question, CBD may possess a range of benefits that make it suitable for commercialization. These benefits include the potential to reduce anxiety and stress, exhibit anti-inflammatory effects, provide pain relief, act as an antioxidant, have neuroprotective properties, treat addiction and withdrawal symptoms, improve sleep, improve skin health, improve cardiovascular health, and improve gastrointestinal health.

In response to your second question, I believe toxicity is not necessarily the primary reason for conducting future investigations, but it is a factor that should be taken into account in clinical trials involving CBD. Other areas of focus for future research may include the effectiveness of CBD in treating specific conditions, the optimal dosage and frequency of use, and potential interactions with other medications. It is essential to carefully assess the safety and effectiveness of any treatment before it is widely adopted or commercialized.

Kind regards,
Andrea Ruiz Escudero
