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Effect of the Cd/Ca interaction on the growth of Paramecium sp acclimated on two (optimal and low) temperatures.
* 1 , 2 , 1 , 1
1  Environmental Research Center, Sidi Amar Campus, BO: 2024, Annaba, 23005, Algeria.
2  Cellular Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Badji Mokhtar University Annaba, BP 12, 23000, Annaba, Algeria.
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz


Temperature changes affect all physiological processes, such as modification of membrane fluidity and local transitions of the lipid bilayer, which can affect membrane integrity and permeability, as well as the mobility and function of membrane receptors.

This research studies the effect of temperature variations and Cd/Ca interaction, on the growth of Paramecium sp. The concentrations of Cadmium Chloride were used (0.5, 1, and 10 µM) in addition to two concentrations of Calcium Chloride (20 µM and 2 mM). Paramecia were acclimated at 28° (the optimal temperature) and at 16° (low temperature).

The results show that temperature variations affect the growth of paramecia by slowing down their multiplication and affecting the absorption and bioaccumulation of the toxic metals present.

At the same time, the presence of calcium in high concentrations strongly reduces the observed effects of cadmium.

Keywords: Paramecium sp; Temperature; Cadmium; Calcium; Interaction; Growth.
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Maider Baltasar Marchueta
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CHEMBIOMOL Committee Assistant, Maider Baltasar Marchueta.
Climate change and global warming have a clear negative impact on the natural environment including aquatic ones. The biggest detrimental consequences of climate change on aquatic habitats are acidification and deoxygenation. The distribution of species, their baseline metabolic rates, the prevalence and severity of marine illnesses, the timing of important biological processes, and other factors are all altered by rising mean water temperatures. While ocean deoxygenation, especially hypoxic episodes, may change species' distribution, aerobic range, and survival, ocean acidification causes physiological stress and limits the development and calcification of endo- and exoskeletons.
