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Engineering protein fragments via evolutionary and protein-protein interaction algorithms: De novo design of peptide inhibitors for FOF1-ATP synthase
1 , 2 , 2 , * 3, 4 , 4, 5 , * 6
1  Computational Biochemistry, Center of Medical Biotechnology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 45127, Germany
2  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Química, Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad de México, 04510, México.
3  CIMAR/CIIMAR, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Universidade do Porto, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos s/n 4450-208 Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal.
4  Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
5  CIMAR/CIIMAR, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Universidade do Porto, Rua dos Bragas, 177, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal
6  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Química, Ciudad de México, 04510, México.
Academic Editor: Humbert G. Díaz


Enzyme’s subunits interfaces have remarkable potential in drug design as both target and scaffold for their own inhibitors. We show an evolution-driven strategy for the de novo design of peptide inhibitors targeting interfaces of the E. coli’s FoF1-ATP synthase as a case study. The evolutionary algorithm ROSE is applied to generate diversity-oriented peptide libraries by engineering peptide fragments from ATP synthase interfaces. The resulting peptides are scored with PPI-Detect, a sequence-based predictor of protein-protein interactions. Two selected peptides were confirmed by in vitro inhibition and binding tests. The proposed methodology can be widely applied to design peptides targeting relevant interfaces of enzymatic complexes (

Keywords: peptide drug design, protein interfaces; sequence evolution; peptide library; PPI-Detect; ROSE.
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Andrea Ruiz-Escudero
Dear authors thank you for your support to the conference.
Now we closed the publication phase and launched the post-publication phase of the conference.
REVIEWWWERS'08 Brainstorming Workshop is Now Open from 2023-Jan-01 to 2023-Jan-31.
MOL2NET Committee, Authors, and Validated Social Media Followers Worldwide ... are invited to Post Moderated Questions/Answers, Comments, about papers.

These are my Questions (Q) to you, please kindly post your public Answers (A) below to promote scientific discussion and training of conference readers :

Q1. What are the potential benefits and limitations of using endogenous peptide inhibitors of ATP synthase as treatments for diseases?

Q2. What are the potential implications of the successful design of these peptides for the development of treatments for diseases, and what are the next steps in this process?

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Jeachul Jang
Q1. What are the potential benefits and limitations of using endogenous peptide inhibitors of ATP synthase as treatments for diseases?

Author Answer: It is a new approach where fragments of the same enzyme involved on its own regulation are used to develop inhibitory peptides which are expected to show low toxicity for antibiotics development.

Q2. What are the potential implications of the successful design of these peptides for the development of treatments for diseases, and what are the next steps in this process?

Author Answer: The discovery of new inhibitory peptides of the ATP synthase has great potentialities for antibiotics development against multi-drug resistant strains of E. coli which are the responsible of many infectious diseases. Next steps will imply optimization process accompanied with further in vitro and in vivo tests.
Jeachul Jang
Q1. What are the potential benefits and limitations of using endogenous peptide inhibitors of ATP synthase as treatments for diseases?

Author Answer: It is a new approach where fragments of the same enzyme involved on its own regulation are used to develop inhibitory peptides which are expected to show low toxicity for antibiotics development.

Q2. What are the potential implications of the successful design of these peptides for the development of treatments for diseases, and what are the next steps in this process?

Author Answer: The discovery of new inhibitory peptides of the ATP synthase has great potentialities for antibiotics development against multi-drug resistant strains of E. coli which are the responsible of many infectious diseases. Next steps will imply optimization process accompanied with further in vitro and in vivo tests.
