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Crop Water Stress Detection Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* 1, 2 , * 1, 2 , 1 , 3 , 1, 2 , 1, 2
1  Department of Irrigation & Drainage, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 38000, Punjab, Pakistan.
2  Agricultural Remote Sensing Lab (ARSL), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 38000, Punjab, Pakistan
3  Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 38000, Punjab, Pakistan.


Crop water stress detection must be improved in agriculture at various times of the

growing season keeping in view to fulfill the need of global food production. Remote

sensing based plant stress indicators have the benefit of having spectral and spatial

resolutions, cheap cost, and short turnaround times. This study discusses current

advancements in agricultural water stress monitoring, irrigation scheduling, and

challenges encountered.We explore the use of remote-sensing systems in the

evaluation of crop water stress by looking at existing research, technologies, and data.

Remote sensing systems are prepared to handle the intricate and technical evaluation

of agricultural productivity, security, & crop water stress in such a quick and effective

manner. They offer quick and easy fixes for a variety of ecological zones. This critical

study focuses on cutting-edge techniques for assessing crop water stressed and its

relationship to certain measurably-based variables.The study examines the connection

between relative water content (RWC), equivalent water thickness (EWT), and

agricultural water stress. Optical, thermometric, and Li-DAR sensing systems, as well

as systems that measure land surface temperature are examined. Using remote sensing,

evapotranspiration and sun-induced chlorophyll content are examined in connection

to crop drought.

Keywords: crop water stress; hyper spectral; Li-DAR; multi-spectral; optical sensing; remote sensing; sentinel; soil moisture; thermometric sensing