Accurate precipitation measurements are very important as an input for water resources management and various hydrometeorological applications. Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) (IMERG) satellite precipitation products (SPP) have been widely used to complement rain gauge measurements. However, they must be evaluated before use and are still lacking in the Lake Titicaca Basin (LTB). In this research, the evaluation of the performance of GPM IMERG on the LTB at different time scales (daily, monthly and annual) was carried out. The evaluation was performed using rain gauge observations for the period 2003-2016 and three IMERG SPPs, namely early (IMERG-E), late (IMERG-L), and final (IMERG-F). Accordingly, three performance metrics were used that evaluated the accuracy (correlation coefficient, CC), error (root mean square error, RMSE), and bias (percent bias, PBIAS) of the satellite estimates. In general, monthly IMERG SPP correlated best with rain gauge measurements. In all evaluations performed (daily, monthly, and annual), IMERG-F was in better agreement with rain gauge measurements at the LTB, with small differences with IMERG-E and IMERG-L. The IMERG SPPs show potential for use in various hydrometeorological applications in the LTB.
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Evaluation of GPM IMERG performance over the Titicaca Lake basin at different time scales
03 April 2023
in The 7th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Hydrological Extremes, Hazards and Disasters
Keywords: GPM IMERG; Lake Titicaca Basin; Peruvian Altiplano; Satellite precipitation products