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Insights into the Enablers of Waste Management Culture in the Construction Sector
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1  Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad


The construction industry is growing day by day due to the immense need for infrastructure and development projects in developed as well as developing countries. At the same time, it is generating millions of tons of waste during the execution of these projects. Half of all construction waste comes from building projects. This underlines the importance of waste control in construction and especially for building projects. In this regard, a comprehensive literature review was conducted based on fifty shortlisted and most relevant papers from prestigious journals of construction management. Frequency analysis was then conducted. Based on the results, significant enablers at macro as well as micro levels in the construction industry were identified.

Keywords: Enablers, Waste generation, Construction waste control practices, Circular economy
Comments on this paper
Bekean Loinse
The construction industry is experiencing growth, driven by the increasing demand for infrastructure and development projects in both developed and developing countries.
