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Analyzing Temperature Variations at Different Locations within Allegheny County and Its Surrounding Area: The Influence of Methane Emission and the Relationship with Relative Humidity
* 1 , 2 , * 3
1  Department of Civil Engineering,Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,BUET
2  Department of Geography and Environment, Jagannath University
3  Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Academic Editor: Dragana Ma


Global warming is a pressing issue that has captured significant attention in recent times. However, it is important to note that temperature variations can be observed even within close geographical locations. These variations can be attributed to the diverse characteristics of different surfaces and their respective heat absorption and reflection capabilities during the day. Furthermore, temperature irregularities are also evident during the night. The factors contributing to these temperature variations include elevation, roughness, color, and material composition of the surfaces. For instance, urban areas characterized by concrete and asphalt surfaces tend to absorb and retain more heat, resulting in higher temperatures compared to rural regions with greater vegetation cover and natural surfaces. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the urban heat island effect. The research focuses on pavement, buildings, and vegetation cover for surface analysis. In addition to surface characteristics, relative humidity also contributes to temperature fluctuations. Variations in humidity levels can be observed both during the day and at night, and it plays a significant role in influencing local temperatures. Research efforts have predominantly focused on examining the irregularity in trends associated with specific locations and their corresponding surface types. Moreover, understanding the intricate relationship between relative humidity and temperature during both diurnal and nocturnal periods has been a crucial aspect of these studies. Surface features, population, urbanization, and land use contribute to the discrepancies in the regular trend. The result of these investigations presents these irregular trends specific to various locations and surface types while also examining the interconnections between relative humidity and temperature within a five-year time span.

Keywords: Analysis of Temperature , relative humidity, surface characteristics
Comments on this paper
Samy Anwar
Good job. Congratulations.
