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Qualities and origins of out-of-home food products: midday meal in the cities of southeastern Gabon
* 1, 2 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1
1  Université de Liège (ULG), Belgique
2  Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku (USTM), Gabon
Academic Editor: Isabel Lara


The place of local products in out-of-home catering and the growth of non-communicable metabolic diseases in sub-Saharan Africa raise questions. To identify the influence of the economic and social environment on this phenomenon, this study analyzes the foods and consumers concerning the main meal of the day.

A survey of 180 customers from seventy-three catering establishments in the towns of Haut Ogooué in southeastern Gabon was conducted. They were interviewed between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. over a month using a semi-structured questionnaire providing socio-demographic variables, foods, side dishes, cooking methods, prices and food additives consumed in restaurants and at home.

The results show that clients are disadvantaged young people (30.3±9.7 years) who consume animal proteins that are less available at home. Low prices, imported food, proximity, the availability of food additives rich in oils and salts and the possibility of consuming local side foods explain the success of out-of-home catering. Cooking and consumption patterns are conducive to the development at long-term of non-communicable metabolic diseases.

Keywords: Out-of-home food; food origins; rent economy; non-communicable metabolic diseases; foods additives; Gabon.
