Satellite remote sensing has become an important tool in the monitoring and assessing the impacts of drought. Drought is a widespread slow-onset natural hazard that causes significant damage to agricultural production and natural ecosystems. Estimating drought onset precisely is challenging, however, its impacts manifest in vegetation greenness and crop water requirements over time scales. Drought affects water and energy cycle components, shifting the balance between water supply and water demand. Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the most significant parts of the hydrologic budget that leads to water loss from the processes of evaporation and transpiration and plays a critical role in drought assessment. According to climate models, global temperature is expected to rise, influencing trends, intensity, duration, and impacts of drought. Mediterranean agriculture is vulnerable to droughts as crop production is largely water-limited and projected to accelerate with climate change. Hence, it has become critical to monitor and evaluate drought in time series where water is limited. Measuring ET directly for a specific point and time is expensive and time consuming. However, remote sensing data can be used to overcome the limitations by providing us with continuous data over extended periods. In this study, an optimized modelling framework to estimate time series of ET at regional scale in the Iberian Peninsula using MODIS data from 2000 to 2022 and a Two-Source Energy Balance model to estimate surface energy balance of the soil-canopy-atmosphere continuum is presented. This modelling framework, based on the SEN-ET scheme, synergistically uses Terra and Aqua MODIS data (LST, LAI, water vapor, aerosols and reflectance products) and ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis dataset to estimate ET at 1 km spatial resolution. Although model evaluation with several flux towers and forested watersheds is still ongoing, preliminary results at a pistachio orchard in Lleida (NE Iberian Peninsula) show a RMSE ranging from 50 to 80 W·m-2 for summer 2022.
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An integrated modelling framework to estimate time series of Evapotranspiration at regional scales using MODIS data and a Two-Source energy balance model
01 December 2023
in The 5th International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing
session Remote sensing applications
Keywords: surface energy fluxes, evapotranspiration, drought, MODIS