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Modeling and optimization of the ammonium solution extraction process
* 1 , 2 , 3
1  Department of "Informatics, automation and control". Tashkent institute of chemical technology
2  Department of "Informatics, Automation, and Control". Tashkent institute of chemical technology
3  Department of "Control system and information processing". Tashkent State Technical University
Academic Editor: Ana Paula Betencourt Martins Amaro


Calcined soda production is one of the important parts of the industry. One of the main problems in the production of soda is the waste of raw materials. Disposing of some raw materials as waste not only causes economic damage but also has a negative impact on the environment. Absorption is the main process in the production of calcined soda. By finding the optimal consumption of the chemical components involved in absorption process, it will be possible to reduce the amount of raw materials released into the waste. In this work, initially, the kinetic model of the absorption process was found using the stoichiometric matrix method. Based on the stoichiometric matrix, the main components (NH3, CO2, NH4HCO3, NaCl) participating in the chemical reaction were identified. Using the found kinetic model, a computer model of the absorption process was simulated in the MATLAB program. Based on the simulated computer model, a diagram of changes in the concentration of components in the absorption process over time was obtained. The use of the considered mathematical model as part of the absorption process control system allows: 1) Reduce the loss of the amount of gases used in the absorption process; 2) Provide the required concentration of liquid saturated with ammonia; 3) Determine the required temperature regime along the entire length of the absorber.

Keywords: calcined soda, absorption, stoichiometric matrix , kinetic model, computer simulation.
