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The effectiveness of the combined use of polymer hydrogel with protein hydrolysates of various composition and molecular weight in relation to wheat productivity and disease susceptibility
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1  Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University
2  ITMO University
3  Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR)
Academic Editor: Martin Weih


Protein hydrolysate from by-products of farm animals’ primary processing, including amino acids with a predominance of glycine and peptides with a molecular weight of 200 to 1000 Da, was used in our earlier studies. Later, the technology of its production was changed and a new hydrolysate from by-products of meat, chicken, and fish processing was obtained, a distinctive feature of which, compared with the previous one, is not only the composition of amino-acids, but also the molecular weight – 700,000 Da. For the period 2021-2022, a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of protein hydrolysates of various nature, including as part of multifunctional compositions with acrylic hydrogel, was carried out in relation to morphometric indicators of productivity and plant diseases intensity. In the experiment, when seeds were soaked in a new protein hydrolysate before sowing, and acrylic hydrogel was introduced into the soil at a consumption rate of 6 g per 1 m2 or 60 kg/ha, wheat yield significantly increased (by 73.3% compared to the control). This was caused by an increase in field germination of wheat seeds – by 21.9%, plant height – by 17.0%, the spikelets number per spike – by 7.8%, the preflag leaf area – by 36.0%, as well as a decrease in the intensity of wheat affection by particularly dangerous diseases: brown rust – by 21.7%, yellow rust – by 28.3%., root rot – by 5.6%. Thus, the molecular weight of hydrolysates, and the acrylic hydrogel proportion and composition, determine their properties, but also influence the economic efficiency of application in wheat cultivation.

Keywords: Acrylic hydrogel; protein hydrolysates; soft wheat; productivity elements; wheat diseases
