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“CogniFlora”- Intelligent Leaf Disease Recognition and Remediation
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1  CAI, G.pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology, 518001,kurnool, India
Academic Editor: Benoît PIRO


Leaf diseases pose a substantial threat to global agriculture, impacting crop yields and food security. Traditional methods of disease detection often prove time-consuming and labor-intensive, leading to delayed responses and increased losses. In response to this challenge, our research introduces an innovative solution that combines the power of deep learning techniques with targeted treatment recommendations.

Our methodology involves the development of a sophisticated deep learning model trained on a diverse dataset comprising images of leaves affected by various diseases. This model excels in accurate disease classification, enabling it to provide specific and nuanced treatment recommendations based on the identified pathogens. The integration of a user-friendly interface ensures accessibility for farmers with varying technological expertise, fostering seamless interaction with the system.

Extensive field trials conducted across diverse geographical regions and crop varieties validate the adaptability and reliability of our approach. The results affirm the potential of our system as a practical and scalable solution for real-world implementation in various agricultural settings.

Beyond accurate disease identification, our system contributes to sustainable farming practices by offering precision treatment strategies. By understanding the specific pathogens causing the disease, farmers can implement targeted interventions, reducing the reliance on broad-spectrum treatments and minimizing environmental impact.

In conclusion, our research presents a transformative paradigm for leaf disease management, combining the strengths of advanced deep learning technology, realtime processing, and user-friendly interfaces. This holistic approach positions our model as a valuable tool for farmers, empowering them with actionable information for informed decision-making, ultimately contributing to increased agricultural sustainability and food security.

Keywords: Deep learning, Precision treatment, Intelligent agriculture, Leaf disease detection, Sustainable farming etc.
