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Nickel phosphate crystal material: Synthesis and characterization
* 1, 2 , 2 , 3
1  Laboratory of Catalysis and Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science and technology, University of Tlemcen BP 119,13000, Tlemcen, Algeria
2  University of Ain Temouchent, BP 284, 46000, Ain Temouchent, Algeria
3  university of Tlemcen, chemistry department,
Academic Editor: Vladimir Fedin


Phosphate materials have a wide range of applications such as fluorescent materials where fluorescent lanthanide orthophosphate was used and showed fluorescent properties during its internalization into human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In addition, they have been considered as ceramic materials with high magnetic and electrochemical properties [1].

Since the utilization of calcium phosphate nanoparticles in biological, therapeutic, and bio-medicinal fields, such as the treatment of cancers, carries inhibitions, researchers resort to the use of other metals and the modification of phosphate materials, for example, cobalt phosphate nanoparticles, modified by Nickel, and Zirconium phosphate nanoparticles, which are used as electro-catalysts for water treatment, dye removal and the treatment of cancers [2]. Several methods are used to synthesize phosphate materials, such as precipitation, co-precipitation, impregnation, deposition, and hydrothermal rout. This last method can lead to different shapes and structures, which can affect their activity and crystallite nature.

In this study, we prepared Nickel phosphate material (NiP) using hydrothermal rout. During preparation, several conditions were used, modifying the urea amount and acid volume. So, different structures were achieved. The material was characterized using SEM, EDX, UV–Vis, and XRD. The material was used as a catalyst for the synthesis of several heterocyclic structures. The catalyst was reused with high activity and stability.


[1] M. Moustafa, M. Sanad and M. Hassaan, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 845 (2020) 156338.

[2] S.S. Sankar, A. Rathishkumar, K. Geetha and S. Kundu, Energy & Fuels, 34 (2020) 12891.

Keywords: NiP, nanoparticles, inorganic material, minerals
