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Spatial pattern analysis in the neighbourhood of small and large trees in Akure Strict Nature Reserve, Nigeria
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1  Department of Forest Production and Products, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 200005, Nigeria.
Academic Editor: Giovanna Battipaglia


Introduction: Tree size and spatial distance regulate tree distribution pattern and future development of forest stand. The relationship between neighbouring tree distance and size expresses competition and coexistence processes. However, presence of different sizes and shapes makes no single tree size variable consistently related to spatial tree distance. Hence, detection of tree competition and coexistence processes in tropical natural rainforest is difficult. Therefore, understanding the dominant process regulating tree distribution at different spatial distances is required for efficient management of forests. This study was designed to investigate spatial patterns of tree distribution in Akure Strict Nature Reserve.

Method: Eleven 11 (30m x 30m) plots was demarcated systematically on two parallel transects with interval of 50m in this study. Tree stem with diameter-at-breast height (dbh≥5cm) enumerated, identified to species level and measured for diameter, total height and crown diameter. Two trees (Large and Small DBH) were selected as reference trees. A circular subplot of radius=10m; (314.2m2) was demarcated around each of reference tree and trees with DBH ≥5 cm within subplot were enumerated and their distances to reference trees were measured. Data collected were analysed using correlation and Nearest Neighbour analyses at α0.05.

Result: Twenty seven percent (27%) of the subplots expressed significant negative correlation between distance and canopy area up to distance of 7.37m around Large reference trees while 18% of subplots expressed significant negative correlation between distance and canopy area at 6.65m distance around Small reference trees. Hundred and 90.9% of subplots of Large and Small reference trees, respectively, expressed regular pattern at 10m distance scale, Regular pattern increased and aggregate decreased with increasing distance subplots of Large and Small reference trees.

Conclusion: Spatial distribution of trees around large and small trees expressed canopy structure stratification and weak competitive interaction. in Akure Strict Nature Reserve.

Keywords: spatial tree arrangement; dispersion distance; tree stem carbon; Clark and Evans index; tree carbon sequestration
