Riparian zones are transitional environments between terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Preserving and restoring natural habitats could be instrumental in maintaining and enhancing ecosystem services vital for both environmental health and human well-being. The aim of this study is the spatial analysis of ecosystem services in the hydrographic network of Pinios River basin, Greece. Initially, the riparian zones were delineated using the Riparian Buffer Delineation Model v6.1 (Abood and Maclean, 2011). The model creates variable-width riparian buffer zones that tend to vary in width based on the stream order. Ecosystem services were estimated using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs 3.1 (InVEST) software (Natural Capital Project, 2024). Mapping and valuing ecosystem services were conducted for the Habitat Quality Model, the Carbon Storage Model, and the Sediment Delivery Ratio Model (Natural Capital Project, 2024). Specifically, in order to create habitat quality maps, land cover maps were analyzed in conjunction with threats to species habitats. Regarding carbon storage, the model utilizes land use maps along with stocks in four carbon pools (aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, soil organic carbon, and dead organic matter) to estimate the quantity of carbon stored in a landscape. Furthermore, the Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) model was used to quantify and map the generation of sediment on land and its subsequent delivery to streams or water bodies. The required input data are Digital Elevation Model, erosivity factor, soil erodibility factor, land cover map cover-management factor (C), and support practice factor (P). The results demonstrated a clear correlation between the level of human intervention and the provision of these services. Specifically, forests and semi-natural areas were identified as significant contributors to ecosystem services, showcasing higher levels of habitat quality, carbon storage, and lower erosion.
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Ecosystem Services of Riparian areas of Pinios River basin, Greece
11 October 2024
in The 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Rivers, Dams and Reservoirs
Keywords: Ecosystem Services, Riparian zones, Habitat Quality, Carbon Storage, Sediment delivery ratio.