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Social innovation in water engineering and its effect on providing drinking water services in rural and marginalized urban areas in Pakistan.
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1  Department of Structures and Environmental Engineering, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, 83060, Pakistan
Academic Editor: Carmen Teodosiu


The ocean holds about 97% of the water on the Earth's surface; the remaining 3% is found in glaciers, ice, and groundwater like rivers and lakes. The total water supply to the world is about 332 million cubic miles of water, which plays an important role in agricultural fields, as well as industrial and domestic purposes. In Pakistan, as per the International Monetary Fund, the per capita annual water availability has reduced from 1500m3 in 2009 to 1017m3 in 2021. In Pakistan’s different regions like Thar, Sukkur, Hyderabad, and Karachi, mostly in their rural and marginalized urban areas, the water is highly contaminated. Water quality is deteriorating daily due to the rapid increase in population, industrialization, poor agricultural sector management, inefficient infrastructures, and the sewerage system. In Pakistan, 20% of the population has access to pure water, while the remaining 80% is forced to use unsafe drinking water. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide safe drinking water sources to the remaining population. There is a need to install water disinfectants, filters, and treatment plants for the monitoring of water quality parameters in marginalized urban areas and rural areas. Applying different methods for the filtration of water will make water drinkable. The technique of boiling water is also helpful in rural areas. Pipelines could be designed from a nearby water source to a community that lacks a drinking water supply. Due to the implementation of these methods, the 33% death rate in Pakistan may decrease; this rate is caused by anthropogenic activities, of which the major cause (80%) is waterborne disease. We need to spread awareness by starting a Public Awareness Campaign among the people of Pakistan to use pure water for health and safety.

Keywords: Innovation in Water Engineering; rural and urban areas; management; water born disease.
