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The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the food industry
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1  Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Molecular Modeling, Materials, Nanomaterial, Water and Environment, CERNE2D, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of Science, Avenue Ibn Battouta, BP1014, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.
Academic Editor: Yonghui Li


The food processing and handling sector represents one of the largest global industries, contributing significantly to employment and economic activity. Historically, human labour has been relied upon to oversee critical tasks in food production and packaging. However, this reliance has often led to challenges in maintaining supply chains and ensuring food safety. In order to address these issues, the adoption of industrial automation, particularly through the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) algorithms, is becoming increasingly necessary. These AI-driven systems offer efficient solutions for managing food production and delivery processes, thereby enhancing operational efficiency. This article explores the applications of AI in the food industry, highlighting its potential to achieve substantial cost savings and optimise resource utilisation by minimising human error. The application of AI and data science to food service establishments, including restaurants, cafes, online delivery services, hotels, and food outlets, has the potential to enhance various aspects of the industry. These include the prediction of sales, the improvement of packaging techniques, the extension of shelf life, the optimisation of menu combinations, and the assurance of food safety through transparent supply chain management systems. Looking forward, AI and ML are poised to revolutionise the food industry with innovations such as smart farming, robotic farming, and drone technologies.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Machine Learning (ML); Industry; Automation; Supply Chain Management
