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Comparative Analysis of LEED-ND & DGNB-UD Rating System
* 1 , * 2 , * 1
1  Sungkyunkwan University (Department of Architecture)
2  Inha University (Department of Architecture)

Abstract: LEED Neighborhood Development (ND) is a sustainable certification rating system for a smart green neighborhood development conceived by the USA. Similarly, DGNB Urban Districts (UD) is a smart green certification rating system conceived by Germany. LEED-ND has set a standard for the smart green urban practices particularly in the USA and DGNB-UD has set a standard for the smart green practices particularly in Germany. However both sustainable district certification systems are applied also internationally to a growing extent. The comparative analysis in the LEED-ND and DGNB-UD identifies both common and different elements of the two smart green planning standards. This paper aims to analyze pros and cons of both LEED and DGNB district rating systems. The paper analyzes the credit categories, criteria, their weighting and overall method and process of each system, thereby articulating significance of each certification system. The paper discusses potential role of the rating methodology, process and country-specific aspects. In addition, the paper also addresses the potential role of both systems to function as a planning help for the design, realization, operation and maintenance of smart and green urban districts, and for the achievement of excellent rankings. Both rating systems address certification and rating criteria comprehensively from the very beginning in the design and planning processes. The comparative analysis of LEED-ND and DGNB-UD will highlight common and different elements of both smart green urban district certification rating systems.
Keywords: LEED-ND; DGNB-UD; sustainability criteria; smart and green city; green certification rating system; weighting criteria; methodology; planning help