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The Future of The Traditional Market And its Importance to Develop The Global Competitiveness of the City Based on its Local-Specific Potentials
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1  Tarumanagara University


The majority of the world cities is concentrated its effort to increase their competitiveness on global level. In the same time these cities are confronted with similar and comparable challenges, including increases in resource consumption, mobility demand, pollution, urban sprawl, social inequities, depletion of ecosystems and the decreasing of the local economy, both on urban and regional level. However, specific basic conditions, as level of urbanization and relation of the city to globalized economic system require specific approaches to develop appropriate strategies to secure the long term resilience of the city. Economically globalized city like Jakarta is in increasing pressure to upgrade its competitiveness. During the last two decades many different approaches, methods, technologies and systems have been developed to facilitate the realization of city competitiveness on global market, but the majority of the approaches is generally not integrated in the overall strategy to support a sustainable future of the existing urban system.

The paper observes to show the important roles of city's traditional markets for the survival of local economy of the city Jakarta and discuss its strategic contributions to secure a sustainable future of the city which want to develop its global competitiveness without destroying its local-specific characters. Using the case of some traditional markets in Jakarta, this paper observe the system of traditional markets could be survive and be innovative as an economic urban entity to solve their problems.  There have been existing innovations and initiatives of main players of traditional markets and also their synergized social network, which are beyond a survival way.

The research for this paper was carried out through observation, field survey and in-depth interviews as main data collection.

 The results of the study demonstrate the potentials of urban traditional market to relate with sustainable urban development and to finally contribute to the understanding of how traditional markets could be creating innovations based on their knowledge resources in line with their social value system and local knowledge. The system of city’s traditional market becomes an instrument of resilience urban system and expose how the system is working based on knowledge resource, local knowledge and social value system of city’s traditional market in Jakarta.

Keywords: city's traditional market, social-economies resilience, local economic development