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An Applied Research Experiences: Green Pedestrian Facilities in Indonesia
* 1 , 2
1  Department of Planning, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
2  Institute of Road Engineering, the Ministry of Public Works Indonesia

Abstract: The paper discusses an applied research on green pedestrian facilities in Indonesia that based on walkability index. In general, the Government of Indonesia initiates the research as part of commitment to support the agenda of Durban Platform. As an applied research that focuses on green pedestrian facilities, the study attempts to improve the quality of walkability in the urban area in Indonesia. Many cities in this country are failed to provide walkable pedestrian facilities that support the concept of the green city. Therefore, the research tries to answer fundamental research questions regarding on walkability and green pedestrian facility. What are significant factors that influence walkability? How to improve walkability for green pedestrian facilities? The study applies mixed methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data and further information on the topic. Since the research tests walkability concept in Indonesia, it refers and analysis method of Global Walkability index. Furthermore, to ensure that the theoretical discussion fit for implementation, the research uses a design competition to check parameters from walkability and translate the concept of the green city into physical development. Innovative design from the competition will be implemented in a few cities in Indonesia as a pilot project. Output from this research provides a new idea regarding walkability approach and green pedestrian facilities in Indonesia. Besides that, finding from this research is also expected to enrich theoretical debate on walkability index.
Keywords: walkability; green pedestrian facilities; applied research