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Planetary Multi-Personal Transcendence: Potential Being-Net Formation in the Global Brain
1  Global Brain Institute (GBI), Vrije Universitiet Brussel (VUB)


There are two emerging trends that will most powerfully transform human society during the first half of the century: 1) increasing intelligence of the emerging planetary network of people, computers, and information technology (1), and 2) increasing interconnection of human biology with information technology (2). In this paper, I explore the potential of these two trends by combining global brain theory and transhuman theory, within a humanistic psychology framework. According to global brain theory, the first trend of increasing planetary connection will likely transform human organizational capabilities, allowing us to create distributed collective intelligence systems to solve global problems related to resource scarcity, international conflict, and ecological instability (3). According to transhuman theory, the second trend of increasing interconnection of human biology with information technology will likely transform human nature enabling us to extend our senses, enhance our biology, increase our ability to acquire knowledge, and radically transform the way we interconnect with other humans on a planetary scale (i.e. trans- or super-humanity) (4). From this theoretical exploration, we are left with the futuristic vision of a post-scarcity, post-conflict, self-organized super-human civilization, where humans are fully in control their own life history, capable of enhancing their own biologically inherited capacities with technology, and eventually able to directly interconnect mind-to-mind (5).

However, the question remains open regarding what a globally interconnected, technologically enhanced, and individually liberated super-human species would do, often inspiring metaphors of “singularity” (6). In order to better explore this future possibility space, I utilize and update the psychological concept of the “hierarchy of needs” (7), individuals will satisfy the following needs in a generalized hierarchy: physiology, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization, with self-actualization being seen as an open process of actualizing latent creative potentialities (8). More recent conceptualizations of the hierarchy of needs further explore the characteristics of self-actualization potentialities (9), but also include a level beyond self-actualization: self-transcendence (or: selfless actualization) where pure being and bliss take full form (10). This conception accounts for many ancient philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual traditions that have recognized the importance of “ego-transcending” states of being (11). However, this extension does not go far enough considering transhuman theory and evidence (12), and therefore I attempt to further extend our conceptualization of the hierarchy of needs with an explicit “multi-personal” dimension, i.e. the ability of multiple human minds to interconnect towards self-actualization/transcendence.

Therefore, I conclude this paper by exploring the potential for a multi-personal hierarchy of needs, where a post-scarcity, post-conflict super-human species develops towards planetary self-actualization, potentially culminating with the formation of a “Being-Net” (13) (historically referred to as a “Noosphere” (14), “Super-Being” (15), “Gaiafield” (16), “Global Brain Mindplex” (17), “World-Wide Mind” (18), “Brain-Net” (19)). In my conception, the Being-Net would be the free aggregation of all self-actualization human minds in planetary interconnection.

References and Notes

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Keywords: global brain, future, evolution, psychology, transhumanism, society, technology