Antioxidant Capacity of Common Dietary Supplements
Ana Figuereo, Marie Roche, Leonardo Albertini, Chelsea Trost, and Luis C. Fernandez-Torres
School of Science, Technology, and Engineering Management, St. Thomas University, Miami Gardens, FL 33054
Today’s health-conscious society consumes a wide variety of dietary supplements in order to improve quality of life. An increasing number of these supplements are marketed as antioxidants. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand the performance of these supplements as antioxidants. This investigation presents the antioxidant capacity of several common dietary supplements using the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) oscillatory reaction. The antioxidant species scavenge free radicals formed in the BR reaction, lengthening the time intervals of the reaction’s oscillations; the higher the antioxidant capacity, the longer the oscillation delays. The samples experimented, Beta carotene, Lutein, Quercetin, Folic Acid, and L-Glutathione, all exhibit antioxidant activity. Trolox, a water-soluble form of vitamin E, was established as the standard to assess each supplement’s antioxidant capacity. It was noted that the time delay within the BR reaction oscillations was significantly affected with increasing concentrations of each substance. Also, sodium iodate proved to be better than potassium iodate in the BR reaction, as precipitation was not a factor that altered results in the BR reaction. In addition the antioxidant capacity was quantified by the calculation of the Relative Antioxidant Performance (RAP), which measures the sample slope over the standard slope or the slope of Trolox. Finally, we observed that exposure to light can affect the antioxidant capacity.