Cardiovascular diseases represent a major public health problem and are the leading causes of death worldwide, with ischemic heart disease leading the causes of death worldwide. In general, the heart will suffer an injury, a heart attack, which will heal through a fibrous tissue that will serve as a mechanical support to prevent rupture of the cardiac wall, causing changes in the architecture and ventricular geometry, which may lead to insufficiency Cardiac. The major problem in this regard is that adult cardiomyocytes do not proliferate spontaneously, however, studies have demonstrated that cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac regeneration are possible. Data obtained by our research group indicate that angiotensin- (1-7), an endogenous peptide, has the potential to induce cardiomyocyte proliferation; The central objective is to investigate whether Ang- (1-7) promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac regeneration. For this, Wistar rats 250-300g and Approved by the Committee on Ethics in the Use of Animals of the Center of Biotechnology of the Federal University of Paraíba, under the protocol CEUA nº 0204/13. Two measures of cardiac hypertrophy were used. The first is the ratio of the weight of the heart to the length of the tibia, and the second is the ratio of the weight of the heart to the body weight. As a result, the first reason did not demonstrate any anti-hypertrophic response. In the second reason, the result was satisfactory. The method of enzymatic dissociation of cardiac tissue was used. The method is based on retrograde perfusion through the aortic artery using a collagenase-containing digestion solution. Thus, we conclude that the results indicate an antihypertrophic effect of Ang- (1-7) and that RNA extractions were satisfactory in order to obtain materials with good quantity and quality.
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Aactions of Angiotensin-(1-7) in cardiomyocite proliferation and cardiac regeneration
11 January 2017
in MOL2NET'16, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 2nd ed.
congress NICEXSM-02: North-Ibero-American Congress on Exp. and Simul. Methods, Valencia, Spain-Miami, USA, 2016
Keywords: Cardiomyocytes, angiotensin, anti-hypertrophic, proliferation.
Comments on this paper
Mateus Feitosa Alves
22 January 2017
Breno Feitosa
Why the numbers of animals are different between the control and treated groups?