The current situation and perspective of feeding with a focus on a healthy diet with probiotics in animals are evaluated in the Ecuadorian Amazon conditions. Surveys were conducted in the Ecuadorian Amazon communities to determine the current and prospective situation in organic and healthy foods production. In the Amazon region, diagnoses indicate that, despite the large amount of natural resources, an important part of this population is subject to problems of availability, economic access and use of food that affecting their food security. The levels of agricultural production, with added value, are very low and agro industrial processes for getting products, through processing, are scarce. It was evaluated Lactobacillus salivarius and Bacillus subtilis probiotic cultures as probiotic in broilers. These probiotic got better many indicators in the animals. In Lactobacillus salivarius, coliformes count was higher in the groups without probiotics, while total anaerobes were higher in the animals with probiotic. Bag of fabricio and the spleen weight were greater in those treated with the probiotic. The Newcastle vaccine antibodies did show differences among treatments where probiotics were applied. Faecal content pH was lower in the treatments with probiotics. Total fatty acids showed higher values in broilers with the probiotics, however, the acetic, butyric and propionic acid did not provide differences between treatments. Bacillus subtilis show a higher total anaerobes count in treatments with the cultures, while the coliform count decreased in these one. Lactobacillus spp and endospores were superior in the treatments Bacillus subtilis.
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Amazonia, healthy food and rural communities, Pastaza-Ecuador.
19 January 2017
in MOL2NET'16, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 2nd ed.
congress MODECO-01: Workshop on Molecular Diversity & Ecosystems, Puyo, Ecuador-Porto, Portugal, 2016
Keywords: Functional feeding, indigenous peoples, probiotics, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bacillu subtilis.