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Ethical risks of pursuing participatory research as an industrial doctoral student
1  Chalmers University of Technology
2  K2 - The Swedish Knowledge Center for Public Transport
3  Västra Götalandsregionen

Published: 09 June 2017 by MDPI in DIGITALISATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY session Doctoral Symposium

In this essay, I discuss ethical risks of pursuing participatory research as an industrial doctoral student. I particularly focus on two facets. First, ethical questions that may arise as a consequence of the dual character of the work format, i.e. being both an academic student and a practitioner in the field of study. Second, ethical consideration in relation to a participatory research method in which the researcher recognises his or her role as a change agent within the system, but studies the system as a whole. I conclude that there might be several ethical risks associated with such research, of which the doctoral student should be conscious and transparent.

Keywords: Research ethics, industrial doctoral student, participatory research