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Can Cybersemiotics solve the problem of informational transdisciplinarity?
1  Department of International Business Commmunication, Copenhagen Business School


A transdisciplinary theory for cognition and communication has at least to be described from the following paradigms 1. An objective information processing view or info-mechanicism because it fits the findings and demands of the natural and technical sciences; 2. A social constructivist view, because it fits the findings and demands of the social sciences focusing on communication and culture; 3. A systemic cybernetic view as it relates to general system theory’s emergent evolution theory, Bateson’s pattern that connects all living beings and the autopoietic nature of living organisms, which makes them resistant to the transference of objective information; 4. A Peircean semiotic paradigm including biosemiotic, because it has a realist hermeneutical concept of meaningful communication with a phenomenological foundation encompasses all living beings. But, each approach has its transdisciplinary shortcomings.  Is it possible consistently to integrate these approaches into a transdisciplinary framework that integrate phenomenological and hermeneutical aspect in for instance Peircean semiotic logic with cybernetic and systemic autopoietic emergentist process-informational view of which Cybersemiotics is one attempt?


