Many studies reported that it is challenging to apply enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process at high temperature. Glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs) could easily gain their dominance over poly-phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) when the operating temperature was in the range of 25oC to 30oC. Moreover, almost all the studies about temperature effect indicated C and P turnover rates were lower at higher temperature than lower temperature. The EBPR culture enriched at lower temperature was employed in those studies. However, a few successful EBPR processes operated at high temperature have been reported recently while few study focused on the temperature effect on the EBPR culture enriched at higher temperature. Thus, we studied the temperature and carbon source effect on the EBPR culture enriched at higher temperature. The C and P turnover rates (i.e., P release rate, carbon uptake rate, PHA synthesis rate, PHA degradation rate and P uptake rate etc.) were higher at higher temperature than lower temperature with all carbon sources using the EBPR culture enriched at higher temperature. The PHA/P ratios were lower with all the carbon sources at 30oC than 20oC which indicated more phosphorus would be up taken consuming the same amount of PHA at 30oC. The Gly/PHA ratios indicated the amount of glycogen synthesis consuming per mol PHA. The ratios were lower with all carbon sources at 30oC than 20oC. EBPR performance was better at higher temperature than lower temperature using the EBPR culture enriched at higher temperature. Moreover, EBPR performance was best with C2 in which PHB was the major component of PHA.
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Temperature and carbon source effect on EBPR culture enriched at high temperature
21 July 2017
in The 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics 2017
session Water science and industry