The Mid Summer Drought (MSD) over the Mesoamerican region constitutes a unique feature of its precipitation seasonal cycle. The MSD is a relative minimum in convective activity during July and August that coincides with an intensification of the Caribbean Low Level Jet (CLLJ) (mean flow at 925 hPa). There is not a unique theory on what maintains the CLLJ is, but the effect of the mean meridional convergence of easterly momentum related to tropical extratropical interactions over the Caribbean Sea, appars to play an important role. The barotropicaly unstable nature of the CLLJ shows that when this mean circulation is intense the amplification of high frequency transients (eg, easterly waves) is inhibited. Empirical observational evidence shows that as the CLLJ intensifies above a certain magnitude, transient activity decreases. Such transient activity is related to easterly waves, a key element in producing precipitation over the tropical Americas. Therefore, the CLLJ acts as a modulator of tropical convection in relation to the MSD, as the period of relatively minor tropical convection coincides with a decrease in high frequency Perturbation Kinetic Energy (PKE). Its role in the modulation of convective activity over the tropical Americas on interannual and even on interdecadal time scales makes it one of the key elements to understand climate variability over the tropical Americas.
my question is about the data, Why the periods are different?
Is the horizontal resolution the same for NCEP and ERA data?
- the authors need to specify the data use in each figure in the caption.
best regards
Horizontal resolution for NCEP is 2.5°, and for ERA is 1.0°.
Period for each climatology was diferent because availability of data.
We used NCEP data for first two images, and ERA-Interim for the last one (Figure 3).
As for your paper, I have just a few minor comments. A PKE hovmuller from May to October might be a valuable tool to explore PKE across the summer at multiple levels to help identify at which level the monthly mean PKE is strongest.
Figure 3 shows the PKE climatology for July. What do the unfiltered and low and high pass filtered plots look like? Do we observe transient waves at 500hPa in July at 24N, 75W? Could the 500hPa max in PKE in figure 3 just be the result of the general circulation and not transient waves? Comparing similar plots for different types of filters could help prove this. Therefore, I think additional analysis must be considered before making any conclusions regarding the impact of easterly waves.
And finally, I think we must be careful on how we describe rainfall during the mid-summer (MSD period). Is the MSD the result of reduced "convective activity" or is it just the result of reduced total rainfall. As you know, rainfall is not zero during the MSD period, but is just less than the surrounding wet season months. It may be interesting to analyze station rainfall data to compare rainfall frequency throughout the April-Sept period. It is possible that it may rain more often during the MSD, but with significantly less intensity? If so, this type of rain pattern could be more related to local convection. To my knowledge, there have not been any studies that compare precipitation types throughout the summer. This is a topic I am extremely interested in examining. Is the rainfall pattern associated with the late spring Caribbean rain-belt more stratiform compared to mid-summer local convection? GPM radar data may help address this question.
Thank you for presenting a novel method to help improve our understanding of MesoAmerican rainfall patterns. You have given me much to think about and I foresee fruitful collaboration in the future.
Yes, CLLJ is a key feature in explaining Climate dynamics of the tropical Americas.
During the summer of 2001 under the field campaign ECAC (Experimento climático en las Albercas de Agua Caliente, Climatic experiment on tropical Americas' warm pools) several soundings were done to capture the intensity of the CLLJ. The wind magnitude around 925 hPa was 15 to 17 m/s wich is pretty strong. We are working on determinig tha range of wind strenght that may help to amplify disturbances with the spatial characteristics of easterly waves. In other words, if the jet is to intense our preliminary theoretical results indicate that disturbances would not amplify. It is in a range between 10 to 15 m/s that the disturbances tend to amplify. This coincides with the observations and analysis presented in this study.
Numerous analysis on the MSD based on station data have been conducted. Most precipitation in the region is usually related to deep convection. The number of days with precipitation decreases and this is part of the reason why we observe an MSD. Given that easterly waves are an important mechanism of tropical convection, less easterly waves result in less days of precipitation.
As you said, the challenge is to find all sources of momentum. Related with thermal wind and differential heating, Ernesto Muñoz et al. (2008) tried to establish the contribution of thermal wind to the acceleration of CLLJ, explaining part of the wind anomalies variability.
In Figure 3, the 500 hPa max in PKE could be associated with general circulation and not easterly waves?
Yes, as one approaches to the mid-latitudes, the mean flow increases its magnitude and so do its anomalies.
Right now I don't have results for zonal PKE, but as soon as possible I will comment something about it.
For Figure 3, zonal PKE has the same pattern of total PKE.