The rainwater use in buildings provides a number of benefits, such as securing water supply, resilience to climate change, reducing runoff in cities and potable water savings. This article presents a literature review about the use of rainwater in Brazil. A state of the art theme was presented focusing on economic, environmental and social impacts. The legislation related to rainwater harvesting ‒ including the cities that have made such a practice mandatory ‒ was also assessed. The potential for water savings is directly related to the amount of precipitation, and inversely to the potable water demand. Despite the variation in the availability of water in the country and the differences between the design and the use of the projected systems, it was concluded that there is a high potential for potable water saving when using rainwater in buildings in Brazil. The systems are efficient to supply the rainwater demands, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Some new topics are suggested, such as the study of the benefits and impacts of the large-scale rainwater harvesting use, the study of new methodologies and the effects on the drainage systems. Finally, the need for financial investments in experimental research and innovative technologies was apparent, in order to improve rainwater management, depending on user needs and environmental impacts.
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Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings in Brazil: A Literature Review
16 November 2017
in The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Rainwater Harvesting in Buildings
Keywords: Rainwater harvesting, potable water saving, investment feasibility analysis, urban flood mitigation, sustainable urban water systems, public policy, water conservation.
Comments on this paper
20 November 2017
A good source of information. A literature review that highlights the importance of rainwater harvesting.
Enedir Ghisi
21 November 2017
The authors thank you for the comment.
Lukas William
19 April 2019
Reading research papers and then doing testing with the help of them is the best thing to do in free time. The are all-time best for me because they give me new papers for research.