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Considerations on contraventions and environmental education
1  Department of Basic and Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Central University of Las Villas (UCLV), Santa Clara, Cuba


The system of abiotic, biotic and socioeconomic elements with which man interacts, while adapting to it, transforming it and using it to satisfy its needs, constitutes the environment. This system has been seriously damaged in recent times by industrial, nuclear and household waste and the use of fossil fuels, refrigerant gases, aerosols and other toxic gases that pollute the atmosphere and causes more and more damage to the ozone layer. After becoming aware of these serious effects on environmental ecosystems, the protection of the environment has become the fundamental premise that attempts to sustain life on earth, protected by the application of all the legislation that exists in this matter; but this alone is not enough, because if we lack the education and knowledge that we need to have to achieve this goal from childhood, if we lack environmental culture and if man does not see himself, in all aspects of life, inserted As regards the environment, the disastrous consequences will be inevitable. To reduce the frequencies of behaviors that affect natural resources, the Cuban State implemented a contraventional system with regard to the environment that allows, on the one hand, to educate citizens and on the other to sanction them if they incur in the figures described.
The analysis of the legislation that regulate the environment regarding contraventions and establish a relationship between them and the necessary environmental education is the objective of this work. A long time ago they knew behaviors that were given a criminal treatment without having a serious connotation in society. These acts were subject to minor penalties because they were less important than crimes or crimes because of the little injury they caused. The first term with which they were known in our country was "criminal misdemeanors" thanks to the Spanish Penal Code of 1870 that recognized them and for them imposed fines and administrative corrections.
