Many amazon producers used to apply various agrochemicals on crops of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) with the objective of controlling different pests, and also increasing the size of the fruit. This kind of crop has a very high acceptance among the producers of Pastaza province. The low level of identification of Trips Palmi leads us to believe that the symptomatology and damages are associated with the phytotoxicity of the plant caused by the various pesticides, masking the high incidence of this pest and generating a decline in yields. This has an impact on economy of producers and for this reason, it was necessary to carry out this research in order to determine the impact of T. Palmi on crops of naranjilla. This experiment took place in two different productive farms located in the community of San Cristoball, canton of Santa Clara in Pastaza province. A sample of 35 plants was taken to identify the pest first. It was indispensable to know the specific location for which quantity and quality variables were proposed. It was demonstrated that, in the quantity variable (plant height), there were highly significant differences, in comparison with the average values between farms at all times (days: 1, 8, 16 and 24). It became apparent that there is a 100% impact of Thrips Palmi in both farms. This pest is located on the upper side of young leaves causing chlorotic and rosulate yellowing in upper, middle and lower leaves as well.
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Affectation of thrips palmi in the quality and production of the naranjilla in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
27 November 2017
in MOL2NET'17, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 3rd ed.
congress NATMODECO-02: Nat. Prod., Molec. Sci., Develop. Sust., Environ., Eco., and Econ. Congress, Puyo, Ecuador-Porto, Portugal, 2017.
Keywords: affectation, naranjilla cultivation, Solanum quitoense Lam.