In the last centuries, human beings have sought to supply their energy. Energy from fossil fuels is recognized as a sources unrenewable energy. Recently, due to the reduction of unrenewable resources, increased greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution, and endangering human health, people beings are forced to replace non-renewable energy sources with renewable energy sources. The most important devices to convert solar energy into electrical energy are solar cells. Organic solar cells are a green class of solar cells. Although organic photovoltaic solar cells (OPVSCs) have lower returns than the first generation solar cells; but, due to low cost of fabrication, lightweight and good flexibility, have attracted a lot of attentions. In green OPVSCs construction, from small and large organic molecules based on donorـlinkersـacceptor have been used.
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Synthesis of small organic molecule based on malononitrile group toward green energy performance in organic photovoltaic solar cells
14 November 2018
in The 22nd International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry
session General Organic Synthesis
Keywords: solar energy, organic solar cell, cyano acceptor groups, green solar cell.