The paper provides an overview of the agricultural economy in terms of agricultural development, especially in the field of water protection against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources. Environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources, prioritization of action behavior in terms of good practice methods in soil treatments, especially vulnerabilities on the types of fertilizers used, are part of the soil-plant-air-water equation. The change of paradigms in agriculture with climate change involves the adaptation of agricultural systems the risks of using fertilizers in soil treatment, the interdependence of plant-soil-water in agricultural practice is also highlighted in the paper. One of the main objectives in the field of agriculture is to maintain a low level of greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector without diminishing the importance of biosphere protection. The role of research and studies has shown an important factor in reducing the carbon footprint per tonne of food produced from organic farming compared to conventional farming, mainly due to the abandonment of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The purpose of the following research is to collect data and information on the most effective management models that will create the premises for agricultural practices applied to the soil by preventing pollution of groundwater and surface water with nitrates. from agricultural sources and by promoting the use of good practices farm. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) supports the Nitrates Directive by granting direct assistance and through rural development measures. There is also a growing trend for agro-ecological initiatives for which farmers can receive payments. nutrient management measures, such as the creation of buffer zones, as an element to stimulate environmental protection. During the research we tried to highlight aspects that, in our opinion, are important for the development of the agricultural sector through innovative rural development measures as part of the economy.
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Risk of leachate, protection of waters against pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources
13 November 2020
in The 5th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Poster
Keywords: waters, pollution, nitrates, soil, buffer zones