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New “HAPA”, “FTA” and “HD-FTA” Piezoelectric Actuators
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1  Microfine Materials Technologies Pte Ltd (registering DOI)

“HAPA” stands for High-Authority Piezoelectric Actuator, which describes high-performance piezoelectric actuators of large stroke and blocking force. “HAPAs” are made possible by high-bending-stiffness connectors which connect multiple units of piezoceramic stacks into a 2-level actuation structure. Present HAPA actuators are fitted with commercial piezoceramic stacks. For instance, a “HAPA-(2+2)” comprises 4 PZT stacks, 2 in the upper level with displacement projecting upward and 2 in the lower level with displacement projecting downward. They not only double the axial displacement of individual stacks with only fractional increase in device length but also of 1.5´ to 3´ larger blocking force depending on the actual design.

“FTA” stands for Flextensional Actuator, in which the horizontal extensional displacement of PZT stacks is amplified to yield much larger contractional vertical displacement via a diamond-shaped elastic frame structure. A range of new FTAs have been developed by us using single or multiple units of PZT stacks, of which their performances are described in this work.

“HD-FTA” stands for HAPA-Driven Flextensional Actuator, in which HAPA piezoelectric actuators are used as the motor section to drive diamond-shaped elastic members of various designs for further displacement amplification. Several HD-FTAs, driven by a HAPA-(2+2) actuator, have been developed. Compared with standard FTAs of comparable stroke, HD-FTAs display higher working loads but of smaller overall length.

“HAPA, “FTA” and HD-FTA” piezoelectric actuators find applications when a smaller actuator length is advantageous in addition to the required large displacement and working load.

Keywords: Piezoelectric actuators; new; HAPA; Stake; Single crystal
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