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Lockdown in Mars
* 1 , 2
1  PhD in Education
2  Professor of the Department of Specific Didactics of the University of La Laguna


In this work, we present a series of educational activities that rely on geological tools to dive in the science core standards for middle and high school. In this sense, Geology is not the subject to be studied, but the educational resource: we learn with Geology, rather than about Geology. Water is the common element to all activities, and the exploration of Mars (its geology, atmosphere, life conditions, …) becomes the engaging background. The primarly objective of these activities consistis on promoting the basis of scientific reasoning in students. Hence, we tested them with pre-service teachers, in order to have their opinions and comments about the strenghts and weaknesses of our proposal regarding critical reasoning.

Since the activities are so easy to carry out and future explorers of Mars will live in lockdown conditions, we also propose the adaptation of the original project to online learning, this is pandemic lockdown vs martian lockdown.

Keywords: Secondary Education; Scientific method; Biology and Geology; Physics and Chemistry; PBL (Project Based Learning), Online Learning; Mars, Water