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Methodology for the identification of nucleation sites in aluminum alloy by use of misorientation mapping
* 1 , 1 , 2
2  National Technical University of Athens


The fabrication of semi-finished hot and cold rolled sheets includes a complex evolution of both microstructure and texture to meet the demanded mechanical properties and suitable formability characteristics. The desired mechanical properties along with the optimum grain size can be obtained through the control of both recovery and recrystallization processes. This work examines the effect of recovery and recrystallization on the resulting crystallographic texture and on the local plastic deformation. A processing approach for EBSD-KAM (Electron Back Scatter Diffraction - Kernel average misorientation) evaluation is suggested with the purpose of effectively evaluating all the possible misorientation angles in-between the grains and of observing the recovery phenomenon from a different point of view. The results showed that although texture components did not alternate significantly during recovery, the fraction of sub-grain boundaries was increased indicating the completion of recovery at the selected temperature exhibited a maximum value of 90%. The initiation of recrystallization was illustrated by a different aspect, underlying newly formed grains and points which exhibited high misorientation angle, critical for the evolution of the recrystallization process and texture evolution.

Keywords: aluminum; cold rolling; annealing treatment; recovery; recrystallization; EBSD; dislocation density