The San Finx W–Sn ore deposit is located in the Spanish province of A Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain). Geologically, it occurs in the Galicia-Trás-os-Montes Zone which is one of the innermost zones of the Iberian Variscan collisional belt. This ore deposit is characterized by NE-SW trending quartz-dominated veins with centimeter size hübnerite and cassiterite. This research focuses on one sector of this deposit known as Buenaventura. The aim of this work is to present a mineralogical and petrological characterization of the ore-bearing veins, their host-rocks and associated hydrothermal alteration. The vein mineralogy is mainly quartz, muscovite, K-feldspar, apatite and scarce fluorite. The ore minerals are hübnerite, scheelite and cassiterite with columbite and ilmenorutile-struverite inclusions, together with sulfides, mainly chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite, and in less abundance, molybdenite, löllingite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, stannite, pyrite, Bi-Pb-Ag sulfosalts and native bismuth. The main host-rocks are micaschist and paragneiss, and two types of pegmatite, homogeneous pegmatite and banded pegmatite with columbite. The host rocks are affected by four types of hydrothermal alteration: tourmalinization, greissenization, feldspathization and silicification. The more widespread alteration is the feldspathization in which the protolith is replaced by massive albite and K-feldspar with fibrous habit, accompanied by apatite, chlorite, rutile, magnetite, hematite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. In addition, there are highly deformed areas with a complex alteration rich in K-feldspar and sulfides, mainly chalcopyrite, minerals of the stannite group, and sphalerite, and in less abundance, bismuthinite, native bismuth, galena and pyrite. This deposit shares features in terms of geological setting, hydrothermal alteration and ore assemblages with exogreisen systems formed in the cupolas of highly fractionated granites in collisional settings.
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The Buenaventura Sector of the San Finx W-Sn Deposit (NW Spain): Ore Mineralogy, Host Rocks and Associated Hydrothermal Alterations.
25 February 2021
in The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science
session Mineral Deposit Genesis
Keywords: W-Sn ore; tourmalinization; greissenization; feldspathization; columbite-bearing pegmatites; NW Iberia.