During the spasmodic process, molecules are synthesized exercising various metabolic functions, and are called myocins. As an example of myocin, Irisina has become increasingly prominent in the scientific community. This peptide has a leading role in the metabolic activity of adipose tissue, being responsible for the process of browning the white adipose tissue to brown. However, several questions began to be raised about its activity in other organic systems, prompting several researchers. Considering this, this study aimed to identify in the literature the new possibilities for systemic action of Irisina. The bibliographic review of the scientific literature was used as a method for a critical analysis and appreciation of studies related to the theme. The steps related to the methodological process were: elaboration of the research question, adoption of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, reading and eligibility and construction of the results. The synthesis of Irisina has a direct relationship with the levels of PGC-1α. This enzyme is involved in the regulation of cellular homeostasis, mainly related to energy. Its overexpression occurs in skeletal muscle with increased physical activity. In addition to the effect already known under the darkening of adipose tissue, the literature exposes with greater quantity the studies that explore the effect of Irisina on the nervous system and in models of neurological diseases. The research extols the potential to increase concentrations of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Other studies indicate that the levels of this peptide increased, while blood glucose levels, as well as total cholesterol, decreased. Another study that reveals another promising potential is the ability of Irisin to modify the expression of regulatory genes for the ACE2 receptor. Therefore, it is concluded that the study of the effects of irisin contributes to the advancement in the knowledge of pathophysiology. In addition, it makes possible the discovery of modulating agents, suggesting that these peptides are possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of metabolic disorders and Alzheimer's disease.
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Irisin: A small myocin with a wide potential
30 April 2021
in MOL2NET'21, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 7th ed.
congress CHEMBIO.ORG-07: Org. Chem., Med. Chem., Mol. Biol., & Pharm. Industry Congress, Paris, France-Galveston, USA, 2021.
Keywords: Irisin; Systemic potential; Clinical therapy