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Canned tomato quality and stability preservation a comparative study
* 1 , 1 , 2 , 2
1  Université frères Mentouri-Constantine 1, Laboratoire d'Obtention de Substances Thérapeutiques (LOST), Campus Chasbet Ersas, 25000 Constantine, Algérie.
2  25000 Constantine, Algeria. (registering DOI)

Introduction: Algerian transforming industry uses local tomato varieties cultivated and transformed in short circuits, and as the Algerian food market is booming and opens up to international trade, industrials have a great interest in the quality of local products and want to raise it to the standards of import products.

Material and Methods: To achieve this study, a presentation of local used variety and its agronomical proprieties in addition to accelerated aging of a large consumer product: canned dual concentrate of tomato was conducted on two local and imported brands, to check its stability over time and therefore the validity of the date of consumption but also its hygienic quality in order to verify the effectiveness of the pasteurization process.

Results: Results reported that no deformation of the packaging was noticed, a preservation of organoleptic characteristics (odor, color, appearance and texture of the product), a difference in pH (<0.5) pH unit compared to control, dry extract for both brands show superior values compared to those reported on the package. For the stability variation of flora is quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed), in addition to pathogenic germs (Clostridium Sulfito-reducers, Staphylococcus aureus, coliforms and Salmonella) and the presence of total mesophilic aerobic flora (FTAM).

Conclusion: This study exhibit Algerian raw material and market product as a competitive ones in regards of quality and safety.

Keywords: Quality control, stability study, canned tomatoes.
